Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Jon Acuff speaks.

A few weeks ago I sent an email to Jon Acuff. He's an author, blogger, and humorous man. His blog StuffChristiansLike is hilarious at times and deep at times. Much like our blog. But anyways, I digress. Here's the email I sent him...

Yo Jonny,

My name is James and I like your website- real legit. I noticed that you said to contact you if you’ve got Stuff Christians would like. I believe I do. I go to Virginia Tech and live in a house with 7 other Christian guys who are just trying to follow Christ while in college. It’s a compilation of posts by myself and my seven roommates, and we usually try to have a new one up every day. I think the blog is real funny and inspiring, but feel you should probs check it out yourself. You’re a busy man Jon, but it’s worth your time. I’ll put in the link for the first blog I wrote, describing the members of the house.

James Crockett Harris III

p.s. I promise the link doesn’t contain viruses, but you’re probably on a Mac, so you won’t be bothered even if I’m a liar. (which I’m not)

I know. I'm surprised he wrote back too. But he did. Here's Jon Acuff's response...

[great blog. I think that's going to be an awesome way to chronicle what you're doing. (And I promise I don't snore and I think becca is famous too)

Oh Yeah. No where near as long as mine. But Jon responded! that's the best part. It's great to see that he cares enough about his readers to personally respond to the email. He even checked the blog out. The best part however, is that he now knows Becs is famous too. You can check out her facebook by clicking on that link on her name.

Anyway, we were all really excited about that. John and I had been planning on writing a really funny, inside jokish blog about Jon Acuff with references to Jesus Jukes and the mandatory youth minister goatee, but I got tired of waiting.

James Harris III

p.s. Hypes is coming to visit one weekend, and will be cooking our house dinner. I can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. I've already begun thinking about what i want to be making for house dinner. I can't promise too much, just some mediocre food and some quality time.
