Wednesday, February 9, 2011

chemo number 12

today is the long anticipated day. today my best friend's wife and my dear friend, libby ryder is getting her last chemo treatment. libby has been through so much in the last six months, needless to say, but today is the last day. the last day of treatment, of feeling sick, of a long and difficult season in her life. this sounds so selfish as I say it, but it has been so hard for me to be in blacksburg while libby and ryder go through this in chesapeake. im crying sitting here typing this because I feel like ive been so far away from them the past six months, ill never forget when ryder called while i was sitting in the baysinger's living room in lawrence, ks to tell me libby was sick. i felt like i got punched in the stomach. i know that it in no way compares to what they have been through but it has been so hard for me to sit back and be there for them at a distance. libby has been stronger than any person I have ever met during the last six months and she has shown Christ in that strength to literally thousands of people in the chesapeake community and through her blog ( but this is not a sad day or a day of despair, today is a day of rejoicing, of celebrating. because Jesus never promised that a life of following him would be easy. or that everything would work out perfectly. he only promised that it would be full and true, that it was the best way to live. libby has demonstrated the truth of that in an absolutely beautiful way.

if you pray, send a few up for her, that her final report would come back cancer free. for her husband, the man of God that he is and has become through the past six months. and for sweet little ava, who will hear stories of the strength and Godliness of her mother for the rest of her life.

for our King,

ps: heres a video ryder made last night on the eve of libby's last treatment, oh and of little ava walking!


  1. It has always seemed like you were right alongside us - NOT far away. Love you brother - thanks for your prayers and how they have changed things. Lib loves ya! JR

  2. thanks john, we did it. when we see you next weekend in richmond we hope to announce to all who care...we are cancer free. and fun that becca is famous. always knew she would be. we love you and our new picnic table.
