Thursday, February 24, 2011

different stuff

Here's a post dedicated to things that are different:

Jeremy is looking fly with his new haircut and shave. Seeing him trimmed up is different. Him looking fly is not.

We've recently moved the couches around in the P-room upstairs (P stands here for either 'picture' or 'pointless-waste-of-space', your choice). Jackson Strawn can now be found sitting in said room at all times of day. That's different. No one wanted to sit in there before.
The room still has no function. That's not different.

Our blog now has music. That is different. One of my favorite Welcome Wagon songs too. It is also quickly becoming annoying to me. I either click off our main page or mute my computer right quick. Whoever knows how to change it, please do soon. (I suggest that Michael Gungor song. You know the one.)

I have begun eating meat again recently. That's different. It feels weird and it feels free to allow yourself something that you had forbidden yourself for so long.

I have begun spending a lot of my time with a girl. That's different. And great.

My life right now is becoming different than it has been, and I just wanted to share some of that with you all. As I described to Jackson the other day, my life right now feels like I am swimming in a river and being swept towards a waterfall. God's movement; I couldn't stop things if I wanted to. And I don't want to. I'm excited about the plunge.


  1. is there a way to turn off the music on this page? sometimes i like to read your blog while listening to other music

  2. its called mute your computer and open itunes. <3

  3. jackson, none of that makes sense... muting his computer would render itunes useles.. also the phrase "its called" is hilarious

  4. Doug, I like the picture of the waterfall. John, go to the volume mixer on your computer, turn off the volume to your browser and you can have itunes on at the same time
