Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jackson's vocabulary

Jackson Strawn is like an onion. And you know what's cool about onions? They have layers. One of Jackson's layers, fortunately or not, is his extensive vocabulary. Sometimes near unintelligible, this blog post will try to delve into the strange sayings of the resident of Willard known as "Mr. Tall".

"goon" a term popularized in the early 20th century, it originally meant one who was big and stupid. Jackson however, uses it in a positive outlook. He can use this word to describe nearly anyone, but mainly if we are talking and mention some other guys epic exploit such as "Hypes rode two jetskis at one time!" Jackson would reply, "What a goon."

"Wavey" discovered on Jackson on his trip to NYC, wavey quickly became embedded in Mr. Strawn's vernacular. As far as we could tell through our brief interaction with NYC natives, this word means "Cool", "Ill", or "Sick"

"Irey" Easy going, fun loving, not bothered by anything. Jamaican in origin. Used by Jackson since he swam with dolphins over break.

"Gon, gon wit da gon gon" I have no idea what this means. Derived from Jacob Heatherington's "how you gon?! and Whatchu gon?!" Jackson has evolved these sayings into its current state...

"do what it do" You gotta do what you gotta do. and Jackson realizes this. Therefore, do what it do.

"Glorious" Anything that is exciting or stimulating to the senses, Jackson refers to as Glorious. That it will bring someone or something glory. At least I think this is why he uses it. He throws it around pretty freely.

These are some of Jackson's fave sayings. If you can think of more, feel free to comment with them. Jackson says a lot of strange things.


  1. This is so damn funny.
    I lurv it.

  2. you forgot "I'm losing my mind!" which jackson says about nearly everything that is remotely exceptional. this begs the question: if jacksons mind is constantly lost, how does he possibly finish his religious studies homework? who knows.. but he does. hes actually switching his major to religious studies officially as i type this! congrats jax

  3. one could make the argument that this is the best blog to date. and i may just be that one.

  4. Ahh, so I see you are spreading our Fredericksburg slang? I still have to translate what I'm saying to my JMU friends. They've all realized that at least 75% of what I say is completely made up. The other 25% are nicknames for things I could just as easily call by their real name.

  5. "little did i know" - Jakobi's favorite saying.

  6. oh and just to clarify... "gon gon wit da gon gon" has been wrongly attributed to jackson. that is indeed the brain child of jacob heatherington. dont worry though, james has been rebuked

  7. thanks john for the clarification. jacob you are a legend and i apologize on james' behalf for the wrong attribution.
