Friday, November 12, 2010

This marks my second attempt at writing the Willard Blog, I know I am starting off strong, but as with most other strange hobbies I've attempted I'm sure it will tail off into a once weekly, monthly, or dare I say it yearly affair. Though yearly might be too long. I have been thinking about what a blog means the past well, day or so, and have come to the conclusion that the purpose of a blog is to transport the reader into the daily life of the writer. Normally this is a menial process, made bearable through funny anecdotes and witty remarks. However, I have the admirable task of chronicling the lives of 8 strapping young men, and that means it is not a menial process. Well sometimes it might be menial, but for the most part, it promises to be an exciting and stimulating affair.

Have you ever heard of the game Shenanigans? I have. It's a thrilling experience to say the least. Shenanigans is a game in which when a person makes an outlandish statement, such as, but not limited to "I'll wear the shirt for a week if you give it to me to." and before another word is said, some passerby yells "Shenanigans!" At this point the game gives you two options. You can A. Follow through with the statement (wear a shirt for a week straight) or B. Get slapped in the face by the shenanigans caller. This game is slowly becoming a staple of Willard house life. About ten days ago, John Carr was wearing a ridiculously large shirt on him (a large) and walked into the lodge ( a quick note on the Lodge of Willard, most visitors favorite room of the house, and definitely mine, the Lodge is the hub of Willard life, with a fire place, two lazy-boys, close proximity to food, and a hearty decor of dead animals and woodland scenes, the Lodge fulfills our goal of "more manly, less sanitary.") of Willard when Jeremy and I were lounging discussing deep questions of life. John started to think out loud ( a normal occurance) that the shirt was far too big for him, and it needed a new, larger body to fill out it's good looks. Jeremiah and I both immediately vied for the shirt, when I made the fatal mistake of saying, "Johnathan, if you give me that shirt, I will wear it for a week straight." and so Shenanigans started. Since Sunday, November 7th I have been wearing a red and black flannel shirt, with no undershirt. I have slept in the shirt, I have gone to class in this shirt, I have lived life in this shirt. Today is day 6.

The first thing most people say is "ew" or "gross" or "James that is disgusting" but I say no. Sure it may smell funny, and I nearly choke myself with cologne in the morning. Sure, the kids at the high school may not talk to me because of said smell. But, when I say I'm gonna do something, I do it. I'm not afraid of the slap to the face, no, it's not about that pain. I do what I do because I'm a man. Additionally, it has really cut down on laundry costs, which is a plus.

Be prepared for future segments of the blog such as "A Day in The Life:____" where I will stalk a fellow member of the house, "Joe Knows" guest editorials by Willard's very own Daddy Dane, and many more tantalizing tidbits.

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