Friday, December 10, 2010


Yesterday was reading day. Unfortunately, I am still reading about European Civilization after 1500. If you have never had to study this abominable subject, heed this warning. Do not ever study this. It sucks. My apologies to any avid European history fans reading this current blog.

I am not studying in Willard tonight, but rather on the second floor of New Res. My friend Phillip Pollman is across from me eating rice(he's half asian)and Allie is next to me acting like she's studying.

In an effort to avoid studying, I have decided to take guesses on what the other members of the Willard household are doing at this moment at 2:03 a.m.

Doug- probable sleeper. Early to bed, early to rise, makes this man bearded, rested, and wise.

John Carr- Talking to Stef on the phone? Stef doesn't need to sleep at night, because she is a fan of taking spontaneous naps during the day. Plus, Kansas is a few hours behind the rest of the world, so it's only one oclock there. An hour ago they were a day behind. Think about it.

Samuel Bowman- Sitting on the front porch.

Evan- probable sleeper number 2. Evan got worn out today by dressing up in a full Santa outfit for high schoolers. Strange.

Jackson Strawn- Last known whereabouts were in our fashionable study (formerly my own room) watching videos of some dude in plaid dress up in different costumes and talk about world regions. Great use of study time.

Jeremy Mateyk- Sleep possible. Could be watching Top Gear, which I believe is a British Show like mythbusters with cars. Most probable however, is that Jeremy is in his room creating plans to plunge the South into an economic depression. Jeremy is from the North and has a hatred for the South that is hard for most to comprehend. The anger he has at them for being the kind, loving people they are is frightening at times. Therefore, he came to school in the south to spy on our superior culture in hopes of undermining it to raise the North to its inappropriate place of glory.

Joe Danehower- Yesterday, Joe set the current Willard record for going 36 hours without sleep, and then playing basketball in Christiansburg. We're still unsure why Joe achieved this goal, but we rooted him on anyway. Because of this lack of sleep, there is a slight chance, however unlikely, that he is currently asleep. More likely however is that he is 1. hanging out with Claire "Claudia" Waldrop or 2. Honing his skills in the N64 smash hit game "Super Smash Bros." in hopes that he will be able to defeat me one day.

I hope that this has sated your appetite for a Willard update, however I would not put too much reliance on my guesses. There is a good chance that they are all completely, totally, wrong.

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