Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I find it hard to write in this blog unless something extremely funny/ out of the ordinary has happened to myself or one of the housemates recently. Unfortunately, the only strange thing that I have noticed is the weather jumping to 80 yesterday, and then snowing on the way to class this morning. Oh and on Saturday I ran a 5k. As you can imagine, afterwards I was winded and covered in mud.

Anyhow, here I am killing time between classes in D2, and Scholar has decided to stop working, (Scholar is where I find out all info about all my classes) so that sucks. But it got me thinking, "I should write another blog or Sam Vaughn is gonna be pissed" and then "What should I write about?" and it hit me that I view life as a long string of menial tasks interrupted by hilarious antics and odd happenings. This my friends, is not a good way to view life.

When Jesus said, I have come to give you life and life to the full, he did not mean only when you're fully awake, not in class, not stressed about work, and not driving long distances. The whole full life thing kinda implies that it happens all the time, whether you want it or not. As followers, I feel that we cruise over this statement as a just a brief feel good, and keep going. But this is the essence of following Christ! Now don't get me wrong, I don't mean to say that life to the full means happiness pouring out from every pore 24 hours a day. Full does not = happy; or constant joy. Your life will be full. Full of heartache, full of love, full of relationships. Yet when we forget that Jesus wants this life to the full to be all the time, and not just when something fun happens, we're missing out on a lot.

Don't put yourself in cruise control like I do so often. Don't do things halfway. Christ didn't get up on the cross for half an hour and then decide that's good enough and peace out. Live! Don't look forward to the future, it may not happen. Live now, and live to the full. When you're falling asleep at night, live life to the full. When you're riding your bike to class, live life to the full. When your hanging with friends, live life to the full. And so on, and so forth.

<3's to all,
James C. Harris III

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