Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My Favorite Season

The leaves are changing colors, yoga pants are coming out in full force and freshmen are celebrating the completion of their first round of college examinations. That’s right, fall is in the air.

Remember in kindergarten how your teacher would make you draw a picture of your “favorite” season?  I, unable to decide, anxiety forcing my bladder almost to the bursting point, would sit frozen in my seat staring at my paper until she would come around to inspect them. Then I would grab a black crayon, squiggle a line and a snowman and resign myself to being a liar. I hate winter.
As the years passed, I would throw out different seasons as my favorite: summer because of the sun and the beach, spring because of the flowers and fall because of the ever so gentle chilly weather. But as a senior in college, I am firm in the fact that fall is the reigning champion of seasons. What is there not to love about it? Football, pretty leaves, multiple holidays and lots of pumpkin pie — it has something for everyone.

This is my last fall in Blacksburg, a time I have dreaded since first stepping on campus. I had never lived in the mountains before, yet I absolutely love the season here in the New River Valley. As I sit and contemplate this final hoorah, two things come to mind that I can eagerly await and that guarantee to be glorious occasions.

First off is Hallowillard. What is Hallowillard? Every year the house I live in and the apartments behind us throw a Halloween party of sorts for friends, family and the confused passersby. We turn our parking lot into an oasis of good old fashioned fun: carnival games, live music (Jimmy Fitch, check him out on Facebook) and possibly a petting zoo. We end the night with about 100 people square dancing, hoedown style. It’s tons of fun and you’re invited. Just head on down Willard Drive on Halloween night — you’ll know where to find us.

Second is Homecoming. Now, in years past, I have been one of the thousands who consider Homecoming as nothing more than a week filled with paper being shoved in your hands as you shuffle to class and a brief announcement at halftime. This year however, I have a personal stake in the race as my lovely girlfriend, Allie Golden, is on the court. She is kind, beautiful and almost unrealistically optimistic about everything. I have been busy helping her put up signs, wearing her T-shirt and changing my Facebook cover photo to the creepy face of Willy Wonka. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say vote for Al… but vote for Al.

No matter what you’re doing on Halloween or whether you dread Homecoming like the plague, make sure to take advantage of what fall has to offer. Hike the local trails, go to the football games, enjoy the beautiful landscape and eat pumpkin pie. You’ll only be in Blacksburg for so long: make the most of its best season.

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