Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Another Year Almost Gone

I know, I know. It has been quite the stretch of time since I have written a blog for the house. I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not. I was trying to wait until Joe wrote a "Day in the Life of James" blog, but that day never came.

For the past few months, fans and groupies have been clambering for the day when they could read another blog post. Lucky for you, that day is today.

So for what may be the first blog of 2012, and definitely of March, I would like to update you on what the Willard House Residents have been up to for the New Year.

Evan "Bug" Underwood has been up to his usual antics. Much like Ray Mysterio and Wild Mongolian Camels, Evan is hard to pin down and even harder to track. From what I can tell, this last semester has been spent in and out of the house. He has started running about four miles a day, to get his already lean body in shape for his job this summer, where he will again be directing and doing hard manual labor.

"Skinny" Jackson Strawn hasn't had any real updates since the last time I blogged. He has however stopped his traditional mid-day naps, a routine which had kept him well rested and able to stay awake late into the night. Now, he enjoys going to bed around 9 oclock, after a warm glass of milk, a nice bath, and a massage from Sam Bowman.

John Carr is moving on up in the world. Soon to be a graduate of Virginia Tech, his after college plans remain vague. Go to KU grad school? Remain in Blacksburg? Go to Chesapeake? Do some other adventurous seemingly spur of the moment thing I've yet to hear about? Who knows. But We can all count on John to keep us guessing.

Sam Bowman will also be graduating this year along with JC. Currently working at the Virginia Tech scientific research place in Roanoke whose name escapes me, next year Sam will work there three days a week, and live in the basement dungeon by himself, as Joe is moving in with Evan topside. He plans on buying a nice couch, and possibly a plasma screen, 80 inch tv to take up an entire wall in his large dungeon of fun.

Jeremy Mateyk the Engineer of the house, Jeremy spends a considerable amount of time at the Werelab on campus, where they do engineering experiments trying to combine DNA of humans with wolves and stuff.

Joe Danehower Oh...the other engineer of the house, Joe has been dressing more and more like a dad all semester. Nice slacks with a plaid pattern dress shirt tucked in, along with sperrys make him look the part of a father of three off to a weekend Cookout at the church. Joe went to Ring Dance last weekend with Claire Waldrop and drives a lancer.

James Harris On a diet once again, James has been hungry and grumpy for the past few days. Additionally, he will be staying in Blacksburg this summer with Sam Bowman and Jackson Strawn, which is sure to be a good time.

Sorry this wasn't that funny,gimme a break though, as it has been a while since I've used the ole lightning wit.


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