Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Summah 2011

It's been over 2 weeks since anyone has made a post to the blog. This I believe is due to a mix of apathy and being away from each other, but I see it as my responsibility to go ahead and liven things up with a classic plans blog. I will now give you http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifa brief synopsis of what is happening with all the guys this Summer break.

Jer "The Bear" Mateyk
After spending the last semester racing formula one cars for the Virginia Tech Formula One Team, Jeremy will stop this work for the Summer and finally do what he really loves- baby lotion. Yes, yes Jeremy will be working for Johnson and Johnson this Summer. Here's a link to their website... I recommend going there, there's a picture of a really cute baby on the home page (surprise!). Jeremy will also be spending time with his brother James (great name) and fulfilling a multitude of Northern stereotypes that I allude to frequently.

Sam Bowman
Returning home for a few days before heading off to work in Blacksburg, this young man filled up with some of Nancy's fine cooking in his brief hiatus from the burg. Sam will be conducting research on the brain this summer, as he hopes to someday be a neuro-surgeon. Working with one of the top neurologists in the world, it is likely that Sam will in fact be able to hold a human brain in his hands, while it is still connected to someone. He will be assisting in multiple surgeries, and possibly performing some.

Jackson Strawn
Jackson's in Michigan this Summer, a place only a northerner (Jeremy..) could love. There he will be working with sound equipment and stuff, hanging out with Miles, and wearing lots of tye-dye, as it is required to be worn a few days a week (hippies). Jackson misses the Willard house dearly, and I am writing this prediction blog on his request.

Joe "Daddy" Danehower
Joe Daddy will also be spending the Summer in Blacksburg with SamBow. When asked for his plans for the Summer, Joe replied, "Working out... oh other than that? Hmm... Working at a Church, Grilling, Tanning, and visiting Claire. Oh and possibly Yoga, but most likely not." Well, there you have it, straight from the daddy's mouth.

John "no-longer-angry birds" Carr
This Summer John will be traveling to "Hatteras" where he will have a "job" working in a "skate-park". If you wish to know more about John's plans for the Summer, look at the blog directly before this one, where he states in excruciating detail his plans for the summer. It's not really that detailed, but you'll get a good idea what he's doing.

Evan "Environment" Underwood
Evan will not be staying the Summer in Staunton, but rather in the ghastly location of Charlottesville, VA. Here, he will be seeing the sights and also working for a construction company working on dormitories. Evan is no day laborer though, no sir. He will be helping with pretty much whatever they want of him, from working directly, to supervising, to planning. Some would call it an internship. I know I would. Evan will be staying at 316 in the Ville I think. Possibly not though, there is a chance that he will make the short commute from Staunton everyday. I really need more information...

Doug "Beard" Clelland

James "Good-looking" Harris
I'm back in Chesapeake, where I've been hanging with my mom a lot, and also with the guys that live at the Orphanage. No work really yet, I ended up not getting an internship that I wanted, and now am working at the Y again, which is cool. Unfortunately, summer camp doesn't start till June 20th, because the small ones don't get out of school till then. Cool.

Well my friends, that is all. I hope you enjoyed reading it more than I enjoyed writing it. Till next time.

James C. Harris III

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