Friday, December 31, 2010
a book review: Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Break Update
As the season winds down and we realize that in less than a week a new year will be upon us, I'm sure eager blog readers everywhere are asking themselves, what are those Willard boys up to?
Well my friends, let me provide some much needed info for your curious hearts.
John Carr received gifts from friends and family the other morning, then spent his afternoon in a local pawn shop selling all of them for what meager prices he could manage, in order to fight the felony case against him in the sorry state of North Carolina for driving too fast. John has a warrant out in North Cackalacky for going 80 in a 55. However, if any young bounty hunters are looking for a easy catch, be wary, John can be hardcore.
Sam is enjoying a quiet Christmas in the mountains of Fishersville, VA. Bruce and Nancy Bowman are pleased to have their only son home, and are sure to participate in many heartwarming family activities with Sam such as, but not limited to, hunting, cooking, cleaning, singing, dancing, hiking, coloring, talking, playing monopoly, healing sick animals, doing work for the city of Staunton, and taking family photos.
Jeremy doesn't celebrate Christmas, in the North, they have rallies where they burn Christmas trees, wrapping papers, and Santa Claus effigies. Yankees...
During the break, Doug will most likely spend the holidays preparing himself for the long trail ahead of him on the Appalachain trail. Additionally, Doug will be honing up on his math skills for his future profession as a high school math teacher. For Christmas, Doug asked for inspirational posters with cats and other animals on them for his classroom. These posters have phrases like "Hang in there!" with cats doing a pull up, or "come out of your shell!" with turtles rolling around on the ground. They're great.
Evan is out hunting a deer right now in order to feed the men of Willard on their trip to New York. He also may be dabbling in building green eco-friendly igloos in the snow.
Jackson is laying on a beach somewhere in the Caribbean right now probably, with his brother Tyler Strawn rubbing lotion on his back, reading a library book picked out by his mother, Susan Strawn. Jackson has been cruisin around on the ocean and stopping in tropical lands such as Jamaica, Barbados, and Florida.
Joe "DADDY" Danehower, is Broin it out in Chantilly, Virginia. kickin it old school with Josh and Jamie Danehower, the J-Danes (as they're affectionately called around the neighborhood.) are hanging out with their tiny Russian friend who visits them at Christmas. Her name is Elaina I believe, but no one has met her yet. I expect to be introduced when the Willard boys visit on December 30th, 2010.
Myself? I been chillin out ya dig? worked at the Y one day, took a trip from San Antonio to Chesapeake, spent a night at the Orphanage with JT, Ba, ScottyCam, and Josh last night. Now I'm plannin on chillin out till I leave for NY in two days.
well my friends, its been real and its been good, and its been real good.
James Crockett Harris III
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
D. thinks:
Monday, December 20, 2010
on the behalf of the willard house we would like to wish you a happy holiday season. you are probably thinking, oh thats sweet jackson, we hope you have a happy holiday season as well, what all are you going to be doing over break? well since you asked, ill tell...

currently over break, to be honest, i have not done much. i had gotten a call from honey baked ham a week ago asking me to report for the holiday season, however, when they found out that their loyal employee would not be able to work on christmas eve they thought it was only fair not to give me any hours. yes i am bitter. with that being said, continue to buy there hams, they are delicious. after realizing that i would not be working i had to find something to do all day rather than just be a bum around the house. and i have struggled with that. my days have consisted of reading, watching tv, and yea thats it. not that im complaining, but i would like to find something to do. and no i promise i will not be doing this all break long. for years my mom has dreamed of spending christmas on a cruise ship somewhere in the middle of the ocean. after years of begging, we are finally doing just that. on wednesday morning at 5am my family and i will drive to richmond to board an airplane to fly to flo-rida where we will hop in the ship. ironically the movie titanic was on the other night and i caught myself watching it. it doesnt help that my name is jack as well. we will be cruising for 5 days in which one of those days we will be in the bahamas and another day in jamaica. i have never been on a cruise before so im pretty unsure on what people actually do. one would assume there is fun stuff to do on a cruise ship. i often view cruises for old people or small children. maybe i will have a taste of both of those lives this week. speaking of old people...

im not that big if fan of the show survivor but i often catch myself watching the 2 hour finale they have at the end of the season. the whole concept of the show is intriguing. however, im skeptical on how much they endure the harsh reality of living in the wild. someone once told me that wherever they stay there is always like a resort on the other side of the "uncharted island". with that being said, the theme of this season was old people vs young people. one of the old people on the show was jimmy johnson who is an ex nfl coach and player. he is 67 years old. now why would a 67 year old dude what to be on survivor? your guess is as good as mine. but i was reading this book the other day that said, "youth is not a period of time. it is a state of mind." with a majority of us being in college we face the reality of "growing up" everyday we wake up (ex. doug just graduated and john turned 20 today). and i would argue that like peter pan we dont have to grow older if we dont want to. just like jimmy j wanted to compete against people under half his age for a million bucks he didnt need. as most of us spend this holiday season at home, or on a cruise, and act as if christmas isnt cool anymore, lets allow ourselves to change and become like little children and have some fun. i love you all and will hopefully have pictures from the cruise to share.
final note:
"you will remain young as long as you are open to what is beautiful, good, and great; receptive to the messages of other men and women, of nature and God."
the willard house will be going to new york city to ring in the new year. if you dont have any plans and would love to come hop on the bandwagon. dont ask questions, just come. and yes snooki will be there inside the ball and mike "the situation" and dj pauly d will be there leading us in setting the world record for most people fist pumping at once in one location.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Winter Break
Everybody finished up their first semester exams today, and are considering heading home for the holidays. The Lebaron doesn't like snow however, so tomorrow, John Carr, myself and my cousin Conner will hit the long road back to Chesapeake.
It's a quiet evening at the Willard house tonight, we're all feeling pretty exhausted after a hard week of studying, so we're kickin' back playing supersmash and having light hearted discussions over a cup of tea.
Or are we?
What was a quiet evening at home with a couple freshmen bros quickly turned into some wild and willard activity here at the house. Let's take a look at what all the individuals did tonight...
Before the evening started, all of the residents except for Evan, Sam and Joe went to PK's to attempt winning some free pizza. I (James) always call the shots (literally) during the Tijuana Toss. THis is a game where after you eat pizzas a quarter is tossed for each one individually, if you guess the correct side, you get the pizza FOR FREE. I went a dismal 1/3 tonight, but I blame it on the girl tossing, who after I won the first toss, dropped the quarter on the floor. This threw off my groove and is what I consider dirty playing on PKS.
John and Jeremy- After sitting watching some vids on youtube, these two hooligans were persuaded by Renee, Rachel, and ASF to go sled illegally on the golf course with Craig Sweeny "Todd". John did this because he indulges in "stickin it to the man" and Jeremy did it in hopes of seeing what fun was, something that does not exist in the blasphemous north.
Doug is off at the residence of Dehart, playing Settlers of Cataan, a board game I'm sure you are all familiar with. Probably winning by this time, Doug is known for his hardnosed playing style and slight of hand tricks that keep all other Canaan contestants on their toes.
Sam and Joe are spending time with their girlfriends, Eliza and Claire respectively, at their apartment in Pheasant Run, I believe the girls cooked them spaghetti for dinner. Though details remain unconfirmed.
Evan is meandering around the house, reading and enjoying his newfound freedom from the harsh demands of mother academia, who has kept her heel hard on his windpipe all semester.
Jackson and myself had adventures.
Well my friends, this concludes another blog of the Willard home, I wish you a Merry Christmas Season. Check back soon for Christmas break updates from each of the guys individually. And to all a goodnight.
James Crockett Harris III
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Date Night.

here at the willard house 5 out of the 8 roommates currently have girlfriends. however, the other three, doug, jeremy, and myself are single. tonight, three of the willard men went on dates so i figured it was only appropriate to blog about this occurrence.
first on the ballot is single man himself jeremy aaron mateyk. this 19 year old sophomore was recently part of the "white elephant" game played at our final young life leadership of the semester. jeremy however was not a participant, but a gift. this gift included a night out on the town with this handsome stud. the winner of this gift happened to be 20 year old rachel allison myers who resides at the hassel house. jeremy picked rachel up at approximately 7:05 pm (fashionably late) in a white subaru which happens to be even underwood's. jeremy and rachel went to macados, a local restaurant that is known for its amazing cuisine. after a wonderful dinner, jeremy dropped rachel back off at hassel before returning to the willard complex. when questioned how the date went, jeremy simply replied, "it was fun, we got to know each other." successful date number one.
next up on the ballot is samuel jacob bowman. samuel has been dating eliza craymer who resides in pheasant run for almost a year now. sam often woos eliza with spectacular dates out on the town. sam is very creative. with that being said, sam decided to keep it simple tonight with a little trip to the christiansburg cold stone. they figured ice cream was a perfect choice on this nippy december evening. little did they know that jeremy and i had decided to spy on their date. jeremy and i followed sam to pheasant run where he picked up eliza and two mystery characters. while on the highway jeremy and i identified one of these mystery characters as claire pendelton waldrop. jeremy and i decided to wait outside cold stone in evans car while the four went into cold stone. soon enough the other mystery character was identified as kylie gaylen. they were actually going to visit katy campbell, who is a friend of all of ours. while in the car jeremy and i dodged alex caporale and sam ross, they almost noticed us. when finally exiting the creamery sam, eliza, kylie, and claire noticed us. a couple words were exchanged before jeremy and i made the haul back to blacksburg.
on the final ballot is james crockett harris the third. james and his new girlfriend allie golden who resides in "new res", an on campus establishment. they have been baking cookies in the kitchen while i sit in the lodge writing this blog. awkward? i think not. they are now exchanging gifts in the family room. james just admitted to finding one of the christmas gifts allie had gotten for him in her room weeks ago. what a heart throb. allie also just got james overalls. i approve. is it weird that im giving a minute by minute update on their christmas exchange? maybe. but im ok with it.
Friday, December 10, 2010
the end is near
I have loved parts, but I will not mourn her departure. It's about time.
Good luck on finals everyone.
I am not studying in Willard tonight, but rather on the second floor of New Res. My friend Phillip Pollman is across from me eating rice(he's half asian)and Allie is next to me acting like she's studying.
In an effort to avoid studying, I have decided to take guesses on what the other members of the Willard household are doing at this moment at 2:03 a.m.
Doug- probable sleeper. Early to bed, early to rise, makes this man bearded, rested, and wise.
John Carr- Talking to Stef on the phone? Stef doesn't need to sleep at night, because she is a fan of taking spontaneous naps during the day. Plus, Kansas is a few hours behind the rest of the world, so it's only one oclock there. An hour ago they were a day behind. Think about it.
Samuel Bowman- Sitting on the front porch.
Evan- probable sleeper number 2. Evan got worn out today by dressing up in a full Santa outfit for high schoolers. Strange.
Jackson Strawn- Last known whereabouts were in our fashionable study (formerly my own room) watching videos of some dude in plaid dress up in different costumes and talk about world regions. Great use of study time.
Jeremy Mateyk- Sleep possible. Could be watching Top Gear, which I believe is a British Show like mythbusters with cars. Most probable however, is that Jeremy is in his room creating plans to plunge the South into an economic depression. Jeremy is from the North and has a hatred for the South that is hard for most to comprehend. The anger he has at them for being the kind, loving people they are is frightening at times. Therefore, he came to school in the south to spy on our superior culture in hopes of undermining it to raise the North to its inappropriate place of glory.
Joe Danehower- Yesterday, Joe set the current Willard record for going 36 hours without sleep, and then playing basketball in Christiansburg. We're still unsure why Joe achieved this goal, but we rooted him on anyway. Because of this lack of sleep, there is a slight chance, however unlikely, that he is currently asleep. More likely however is that he is 1. hanging out with Claire "Claudia" Waldrop or 2. Honing his skills in the N64 smash hit game "Super Smash Bros." in hopes that he will be able to defeat me one day.
I hope that this has sated your appetite for a Willard update, however I would not put too much reliance on my guesses. There is a good chance that they are all completely, totally, wrong.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Evan Thomas.
I will start from the first and journey to the last.
First and Foremost.

Evan Thomas Underwood. E-dawg (as i affectionately refer to him from time to time) and I met as young punks at Stuarts Draft Middle School... a glorious time in my life filled with cussing, inappropriate humor, and skateboarding.... kinda similar to me at this moment now that I think about it. For the reader's enjoyment I wanedt to show you a video of Evan and I from our freshman year of high school... there are like 15 but unfortunately they are mostly inappropriate. If you'd like to see them, just ask :)

Anyways, Evan and I have been through it all together. Laughter, from when I was caught mooning him in 7th grade Pre-algebra to late nights at She-sha. Pain, from the time his dad backed over my foot with his car to the time we went backpacking and Evan chipped his tooth... hilarious. (See Photo Below)

But Evan and I's relationship goes past those times of late-night laughs and hilarity. We were together when one of our best friends died in a car accident junior year. We have witnessed each others lives changed from freshman punks to men who love the Lord as sophomores in college.

Evan is a man I respect incredibly. He is one of my deepest, truest, and most valuable friends. He will always support me, will always push me, and always love me.

Many of you may not know Evan, so I will give you a little breakdown. Evan is a lover of the outdoors. He loves to hunt, fish, snowboard, and skateboard. He loves the solace of the wilderness. The solidarity of the woods. Evan is one who isn't afraid to walk his own path. He is fine with a weekend by himself, sometimes, he prefers it. He reads. He writes. When he thinks something is really funny he laughs, closes his eyes, and kicks his feet. When he sleeps he flicks his foot, and is VERY hard to wake up. He is deep. A well of wisdom and a yearning for learning more. He is a hard worker, someone who doesn't stop until he does the best that he can. He is a giver. The definition of it. He is a man I can walk to in any mood and know that I will be appreciated, loved, and delighted in. He is a man that, if I called his name for help, he would destroy any and all barriers in his way to come to my side. And he is man that I would die for.

There is something incredible about being so close to a friend that he is a brother. Not only is Evan my brother in Christ, but he is my brother in a different sense. He is not "one of my friends from high school" or "one of my college bros". Evan is the one, and only, man that will have been evident and present in both those stages of my life. We will share a bond that I cannot share with anyone else. Evan knows where I came from. He knows my roots. He has seen me at the height of my anger (one of the only people to see that) and he has seen me in the pits of grief when Evanne died. He has seen me dead, before I met Christ, and he has seen me alive, a follower of Christ. Many people define friends as "gold", or college friends, and "silver", high school friends. Evan surpasses that. Evan is a "diamond"; infinitely valuable. Evan will, and forever will be, my best friend.

Monday, December 6, 2010

an update on the game shenanigans...
- evan underwood stated last night at approximately 9:30 pm that he was going to buy me 15 boxes of captain crunch berries (he had eaten my entire box while i was away for the weekend). with no choice, i shouted shenanigans at the top of my lungs. evan then took off for the nearest kroger where he was only able to buy 4 boxes because the employees of this certain food mart would only sell him that many. while bagging the cereal the casheer told him, "enjoy your lifetime supply of captain crunch berries." and indeed i will. love ya evan.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Weekend Update
Here in the Willard home, we are being consigned to wear hats and beanies inside. sweatshirts and jackets are becoming the norm. What am I wearing? Wool socks and long johns, also known as thermal underwear. Simply Toasty. well actually, my toes are a bit frosted, but that is besides the point. Anyway, we're struggling in the house to survive this bitter blizzard, and hope that help comes soon, in the form of the handy man our lovely landlord Mike Powell is sending to us. Come soon handy man. Come soon.
In other Willard news, Jackson has made it safely back from Rockbridge this weekend, after a snowy time at camp, he retired to the bosom of the house where he was feelin pretty schmungry. Then he had the nerve to come and ask to borrow my car. Some lame excuse about how his battery was dead and he was hungry. I say if you're that hungry you can walk yourself to owens and not complain. Being the giver I am though, after much griping I relented and handed him the keys to a practically brand new, 1992 Chrysler LeBaron.
Doug is currently making popcorn garlands for our two trees, while dancing in the kitchen. This takes massive amounts of skill, because he is working with a needle while doing the one, two step.
Joe is with his wonderful girlfriend Claire. I think...
Evan just finished writing his first blog after two hours of work. I'm sure it is hilarious.
Sam is trapped in the snow somewhere in Rockbridge, whereabouts unknown. We may send out a search party, but we trust Sam's hunting and tracking skills enough that he will be able to find his way back to Blacksburg, with highschoolers in tow.
John is wandering around the house grumbling about how cold it is and that fact that he is a wanted criminal in the not so speedy state of North Carolina.
Jeremy is enjoying the snow. NOT. He's studying parabolas and other mathematical nuisances.
Me? I am writing this blog and pissing KT Surratt off, because we are supposed to have started planning campaigners about twenty six minutes ago. So I must conclude
the writing now, in order to save myself physical pain.
James C. Harris III
A Couple Succesful Harvests...
Evan here to fill you in on some of the recent occurrences in the Willard community at large. The writer of this blog has long been a lover of the natural world and of the sports, and thus, engages in various outdoors activities including but not limited to hunting and fishing. Naturally, the writer wished for his college experience to include these said activities, and fortunately for the writer (and as the reader will soon learn, the Willard community as a whole), Mike Powell, Willard Landlord, has graciously welcomed us onto his land outside of Blacksburg to hunt and to fish.
Over the past couple of months, the writer, and various other members of the Willard community have been making trips out to Mike's property to, of course, engage in fishing, camping, and firing weaponry, but also with the hopes of seeing and perhaps harvesting game. Alex Norton and the writer have spent the last few months making two trips a week, usually early in the morning, with hopes of making deer and or turkey harvests. The season started off a bit slow for us, we were seeing mostly squirrels and happened to see a fox, but the deer and turkey of the land managed to allude our sights. It was not till the second Saturday of muzzle-loading season (the first two weeks before regular riffle season opens) that the we were able to claim our first deer. Alex Norton calls the writer at approximately 815 on that morning, after the reader heard Alex shoot 4 times, claiming that he thinks he hit a buck! After some stressful tracking, the group did indeed come to learn that Alex Norton had taken down a 7 point buck. The writer feels it necessary to mention that this was only Alex's 2nd time hunting in his life, and to harvest a nice buck this soon in ones hunting career is kind of a big deal. Congratulations Norton.
However, the season was, and still is, far from over. A few more hunting trips were made, all the while wildlife being seen, but no additional harvests were able to be made. Leland Pearson, John Leonard, and Josh Moehrle made it out to the property to enjoy the outdoors, fire weaponry and to catch trout. And eventually, we were able to claim victory once again. The final day of riffle season was upon us, and Adam Underwood and Kyle Lamers traveled out to the property with us. The morning was terribly windy and the wildlife did not seem to be moving, so Norton and the writer chose to try and move deer around by walking through the woods. It was decided that Norton would try and walk through an area know to be holding deer, in hopes of pushing the deer out for the writer to perhaps get a shot at. However, in the process of doing so, Norton, once again calling the writer on his radio soon after shots fired, claimed to have shot another deer. Alex Norton would now be the happy harvester of 2 deer in his premier season.
Unfortunately, and with regret, the reader has not yet been able to make a harvest on the season. However, the writer must say that he has been extremely thankful for the opportunity to be out in the woods with good friends sharing good times that are certainly irreplaceable. There is something to be said about being able to be out there where everything else seems to stop and nature takes over. There is something to be said about waking up with the animals and being out there, free and alive.
May we all come to see what is around us with new eyes and hear with new ears. May we enjoy the simplicity of watching and listening to all that is. May we appreciate life and the beauty of a cold Saturday morning in a tree-stand.
These are pictures of Norton's harvests (perhaps he should be giving the writer lessons?)

Saturday, December 4, 2010
Pictures from the season

Today, Joe "Daddy" Dane, Jeremy "North" Mateyk, and James "Good Lookin" Harris, and John "Angry Bird" Carr, woke up and had a lovely breakfast of pancakes cooked by Joe this morning (well afternoon, we all woke up post 12oclock) After this lovely breakfast, we decided to go Christmas Tree shopping in the local Blacksburg Community. After haggling fiercely for prices, we strapped our newly acquired seven foot tree on the roof of the Lebaron, and made our way to shop for decorations. Again haggling with the Walmart employees for prices, we were able to get some simply delightful decorations and take the fresh pine back home where we spent the afternoon decorating and playfully running throw the snow. Tis the season to decorate for Christmas. Currently, the Men are sitting around the fire, some reading, some on their laptops, others just enjoying the warmth of the season and the relaxation that comes with a long day of errands. Oh and Jeremy's asleep alone in his cold room. He hates warmth and Christmas decorations, because he's from the North.
James Crockett Harris III
p.s. I know this blog sucked, it is mainly just for the use of presenting pictures of the season.
Friday, December 3, 2010
a criminal among us
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Free Throws

I missed the boat on writing a blog yesterday, but I take no blame myself. There are seven other members of this house equally able to write a blog, because they all have their own personal pcs. Except Doug. And he still managed to write one on Tuesday. There is no excuse for this madness. Oh well, life goes on.
Tonight, Jeremy Mateyk, resident of the last room on the left, the master with the personal bath, Had no work to do. He was blissfully free from college school work because he has taken three tests already this week. And he did good. Congratulations Jeremy, we are all very proud of you. At least I am, which is why I am writing this.
The other day, Sam logged into his Xenga account from 2005. I am not sure if you know what Xenga is, but here is a brief history. Xenga is the precursor to Myspace, which was the precursor to Facebook. Thankfully, Xenga is now blissfully defunct. However, Xenga is a bloggish myspace mixture, and therefore Sam would write about his thoughts on such world changing topics as mowing the grass, or school work. However, in one particular entry Sam wrote about the friend he had made at soccer camp, a boy named JACKSON STRAWN.
I know. Mind blowing. These two hooligans met so many years ago, and now live in the same house. weird. ironic. small world? yes. But I digress, this entry is not about the strange fact that they have known each other going on six years now. This entry is about what was in said Xenga entry. Sam apparently thought highly of Jackson because he said, and I quote, "lace up your kicks, ladies, we're going to ball." Classic. Hilarious? I don't think so. But prepubescent Sam thought so. I find that hilarious. Even more so, that Sam then started using that as his signature on Xenga.
In other Willard news, I attended the Purdue-Tech Basketball game tonight. For those of you lucky enough not to have viewed this idiocracy, we lost. We don't run plays on offense. I hate this. So that's my dig on Virginia Tech basketball for the day.
Oh, and Happy 20th Birthday Rebecca Fitzgerald.
James Crockett Harris III, esquire.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
D. thinks:
Before you think I am going off the deep end, consider it this way. There is a common misconception that cooking is defined by recipes and that good cooks are able to execute them well. It is often forgotten that, though you might go along with it, someone just made that recipe up. There was some trial and error involved to get things exact perhaps (not necessarily), but someone made up that tasty dish either by luck or artistic insight.
To cook by executing recipes is like paint-by-numbers. If you paint where the numbers tell you to, you'll probably get a good picture. But it was probably a real artist that made the picture that was broken into small areas with numbers so you, the novice, could mimic it. Paint-by-numbers might be a good way to learn to paint, but real painting is more free and heartfelt than that. So is real cooking.
So be set free; you don't have to do it the way you've always thought you had to. Real life, like cooking, is more of an art than a science.
John's hat is too tall.

John Carr, Jackson Strawn, and myself are all enrolled in REL 1044, Religious Ethics, with Professor Jeremy Carter. Also in attendance in this lecture period, are KT Surrat, TMac, and Greg Mackey. The main reason I'm writing this blog is 1. Because I'm bored. 2. Because John loves cruising the internet and is bound to come across this by the end of the period. and 3. Because I enjoy writing blogs about my roommates.
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Friday, November 26, 2010
peace, love, and leftover turkey
coming from my hometown of fredericksburg the drive to blacksburg is around 3 and a half hours, depending on traffic. i make this drive by myself and i always ask myself the question, what am i going to do the entire drive? its impossible to listen to my ipod because i dont have a car jack and finding a radio station every 2 minutes can really get annoying. so i often resort to sitting in silence. this may sound weird to most, but why is silence weird? and i have no answer. is it because we are afraid to be alone and silence is pretty lonesome? maybe. is it because we are afraid we are missing out on something else going on? maybe. is it because we are afraid what we are going to think about during this time of silence? maybe. or maybe it is because we are afraid to listen? when we are not talking then we are listening. truly listening to what someone has to say is one of the hardest skills in our world to day to master. the world around us is always so busy it seems like we never have time to listen. our minds are often racing thinking about what we are going to do next, who is talking about who, and i wonder what they think of me. its hard to find time to just sit down and take a break. when i arrived in blacksburg i was greeted with more silence. the willard house was completely dark and no one else was home. the funny thing is, instead of enjoying the silence i decided to fill the quietness by writing this blog about silence. i guess thats a little irony. my challenge though for all of us is to find time this week or next week or this month just to sit down and enjoy some silence. it can go a long way.
ps. i apologize for the creepy picture of the baby. i just found out how to add images.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The Men over Break
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
D. thinks:
I think that the universe that exists demands that it was made by Someone. Obviously me saying that doesn't convince you, but it is what I have concluded over the years. With that said, if everything was made by a Creator, I don't think he would waste his energy creating something that was just filler. Or in other words, even the filler would be poetic. Any good story teller is like that, and of what I know of our Story Teller he's a good one.
Therefore I think that we can look at anything that exists and see something about God. For example, we can look at space and see that God is big. Or we can look at space and see nothing but space. Of course I'm not saying that we can find godliness in anything, because some things are evil. But we can also learn about light by knowing darkness. And we can know wholeness on a much deeper level because we are intimately acquainted with brokenness.
Changes...Tupac Style
Monday, November 15, 2010
I didn't realize there was a spot for a title...
family dinners
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
So I’m John Carr and this is my attempt at writing an entry. As I type this we’re watching the Tech vs UNC game and currently crammed into the darkroom (our stadium style seating TV lounge of sorts that is located in the basement.) I’m not really into football, what can I say? but I’m learning how to yell things at football games, Jeremy usually feeds me lines to scream, most of which I butcher, or yell incorrectly on purpose. Anyways I’m writing because the idea of a Willard blog is sweet and I give props to James for making moves. Also, I should clarify that I don’t actually have plans to become a pro surfer, nor am I a hipster… however I can act as a mediator between hipster culture and the rest of the world. Living at Willard this year has been awesome and quite honestly the only reason I’m back at tech this year.
A friend of mine and I got breakfast one morning earlier this semester. We talked about who we were, as individuals and how God was in everything. He said that God was in the two of us, in our coffee, in the morning sun, that He was invading the hot sauce. He asked me how I viewed the world, and I had a difficult time answering him, I mean that question is vague as crap. He told me he thought that it was one of the most important questions we could ask ourselves. I thought about it a while and said “I guess I see the world as beautiful, sort of like poetry.” My friend told me if I see the world that way then I should do beautiful things, I should write poetry, build the mini ramp in our back yard, make art, ride my bike fast, and do it all excellently and for the glory of God. I like that idea a lot. The guys who live here at Willard are striving to make that idea a reality. We built a mini ramp, I sit around the fire with everyone and write things, we had a Willard Halloween Party (Hoedownween I think we called it, or maybe Hollowillard) we laughed, and dressed up, and square danced, and it was beautiful. We have family dinners every Sunday and make it a priority to be together for a meal and afterwards talk about struggles, about God, about girlfriends, about school, and about life. It’s hard sometimes cause its so raw and real, but its good. I need that time, I need these dudes cause I can’t do life alone, and I don’t think we’re meant to.
When I try to describe the dudes living here to people back home I usually explain that none of us have anything in common, besides Jesus. Now that’s not entirely true, Sam and I have pretty similar personalities, Evan and I both love music, Jackson and I laugh a lot, I surf and James pretends to surf, a bunch of us played soccer, Joe reminds me of my dad, a bunch of us lead YoungLife… so there’s some stuff going on, but for the most part we’re all radically different people. Somehow over the course of this year Jeremy and I have gotten really tight and I know that it’s only because of Jesus. We are funny together, I’m 5’9 and barely 150 pounds he’s like 6’3 and 215. We’re currently working together on a street art project, with the goal of showing Grace to people on campus, though art… or vandalism, whatever you prefer to call it. We at the Willard House are all very excited for the next two and a half years. We have already been through a ton together… we’ve been robbed together, met the neighbors together, had parties together, broken and/or burned lots of things together, crashed our bikes together, screamed our lungs out together, built a mini ramp together, broke a trampoline together, skated the mini ramp together, sang songs together, prayed together, and cried together. Together, because we weren't meant to do life alone.
I love the parts of the Bible where Jesus talks about the Kingdom of Heaven. He says that the Kingdom is here and now, that we are called to bring heaven crashing into earth. There’s a quote by a lovely old nun from Philly named Sister Margaret that says:
“We are a broken people who need each other and God, for we have come to recognize the mess that we have created of our world and how deeply we suffer from that mess. Now we are working together to give birth to a new society within the shell of the old. Another world is possible. Another world is necessary. Another world is already here.”
I wrote this quote on wall at the end of the hall in big black letters because I think it describes all of us in the house and what we’re running after. It’s a beautiful thought. If there’s one thing I could share with you about our adventures and what is happening in Blacksburg, I’d tell you this: God is doing beautiful things at the Willard House through those of us who live here.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Doug here...
James mentioned the Lodge in his previous post. I think it would be appropriate, after telling you about the character of its residents to describe to you the design of the house. First, on the way in you'll find one of John's old surfboard's hanging over the spot on the porch where we have spent a lot of time. It's getting cold now, though. Entering the front door you find on your left said Lodge, full of pieces of dead things, ways to make more dead things, and (on most evenings) a handful of not-so-dead things sitting by a fire. The lodge is painted forest-green. Straight ahead is our kitchen, where we keep the giant kitchen table Jackson's parents let us have.
On your right you'll find the picture room where we have hung the house pictures from the men of the past and the present, as well as a wall papered with random other photos. We don't use it for squat, but I appreciate having an open space. Makes me feel like I have room to breathe, don't know why though.
Upstairs there are 4 bedrooms (speaking of which, if anyone w/ the law asks, only 4 people live here). First on the left is James', painted a sort of sea-foam green which goes with all of the surfing decorations his mom got him.
First on the right is Jackson's, painted some other sort of green; a cool guy sleeps in there. Next on the right there is John and Evan's, painted a color that reminds me of sand or wood. Back in the left corner is Jeremy. His room hasn't been painted a funny color, but he's got a bathroom. Between Jeremy's and James' room there is a bathroom across from the stairs. Somehow I have never had to wait more than a minute for a shower, even living with 8 dudes. Maybe the fact that we are dudes contributes heavily to that, but I still find it sweet.
Down the steps you'll find on your left the room where Joe, Sam, and I sleep. We painted it purple. I don't know why, but I love it. It is a big room that used to be used for nothing but a place to put a ping-pong table that never got used. Much better as a bedroom, and I think we could fit at least another person down there with no trouble.
On your right you'll find a blue room with no windows which has been committed to the watching of movies & TV and playing video juegos. Our house favorite is Super Smash Bros. 64 (my best character is Mario, but have recently picked up DK), though there has been plenty of FIFA '09 thrown down there too.
Next is the study, a.k.a. the Golden room since it is painted yellow and shines brightly in the morning sun. I don't know what I would do without this room.
Passing through the back of the coat closet you'll come to Narnia, which might be more appropriately titled Lantern Waste as all that it is back there is a storage area and a passage to the real goodness: the Bosom. The Bosom is a dwelling of manliness within the dwelling of manliness that is 402 Willard, our heart of hearts perhaps. The Bosom is painted red and has been pasted with a picture of C.S. Lewis enjoying some tobacco and a message of radical collisions. If you'll look closely, you might find some other things pasted about...