here at the willard house 5 out of the 8 roommates currently have girlfriends. however, the other three, doug, jeremy, and myself are single. tonight, three of the willard men went on dates so i figured it was only appropriate to blog about this occurrence.
first on the ballot is single man himself jeremy aaron mateyk. this 19 year old sophomore was recently part of the "white elephant" game played at our final young life leadership of the semester. jeremy however was not a participant, but a gift. this gift included a night out on the town with this handsome stud. the winner of this gift happened to be 20 year old rachel allison myers who resides at the hassel house. jeremy picked rachel up at approximately 7:05 pm (fashionably late) in a white subaru which happens to be even underwood's. jeremy and rachel went to macados, a local restaurant that is known for its amazing cuisine. after a wonderful dinner, jeremy dropped rachel back off at hassel before returning to the willard complex. when questioned how the date went, jeremy simply replied, "it was fun, we got to know each other." successful date number one.
next up on the ballot is samuel jacob bowman. samuel has been dating eliza craymer who resides in pheasant run for almost a year now. sam often woos eliza with spectacular dates out on the town. sam is very creative. with that being said, sam decided to keep it simple tonight with a little trip to the christiansburg cold stone. they figured ice cream was a perfect choice on this nippy december evening. little did they know that jeremy and i had decided to spy on their date. jeremy and i followed sam to pheasant run where he picked up eliza and two mystery characters. while on the highway jeremy and i identified one of these mystery characters as claire pendelton waldrop. jeremy and i decided to wait outside cold stone in evans car while the four went into cold stone. soon enough the other mystery character was identified as kylie gaylen. they were actually going to visit katy campbell, who is a friend of all of ours. while in the car jeremy and i dodged alex caporale and sam ross, they almost noticed us. when finally exiting the creamery sam, eliza, kylie, and claire noticed us. a couple words were exchanged before jeremy and i made the haul back to blacksburg.
on the final ballot is james crockett harris the third. james and his new girlfriend allie golden who resides in "new res", an on campus establishment. they have been baking cookies in the kitchen while i sit in the lodge writing this blog. awkward? i think not. they are now exchanging gifts in the family room. james just admitted to finding one of the christmas gifts allie had gotten for him in her room weeks ago. what a heart throb. allie also just got james overalls. i approve. is it weird that im giving a minute by minute update on their christmas exchange? maybe. but im ok with it.
i think you meant woos (woes are bad)