I will start from the first and journey to the last.
First and Foremost.

Evan Thomas Underwood. E-dawg (as i affectionately refer to him from time to time) and I met as young punks at Stuarts Draft Middle School... a glorious time in my life filled with cussing, inappropriate humor, and skateboarding.... kinda similar to me at this moment now that I think about it. For the reader's enjoyment I wanedt to show you a video of Evan and I from our freshman year of high school... there are like 15 but unfortunately they are mostly inappropriate. If you'd like to see them, just ask :)

Anyways, Evan and I have been through it all together. Laughter, from when I was caught mooning him in 7th grade Pre-algebra to late nights at She-sha. Pain, from the time his dad backed over my foot with his car to the time we went backpacking and Evan chipped his tooth... hilarious. (See Photo Below)

But Evan and I's relationship goes past those times of late-night laughs and hilarity. We were together when one of our best friends died in a car accident junior year. We have witnessed each others lives changed from freshman punks to men who love the Lord as sophomores in college.

Evan is a man I respect incredibly. He is one of my deepest, truest, and most valuable friends. He will always support me, will always push me, and always love me.

Many of you may not know Evan, so I will give you a little breakdown. Evan is a lover of the outdoors. He loves to hunt, fish, snowboard, and skateboard. He loves the solace of the wilderness. The solidarity of the woods. Evan is one who isn't afraid to walk his own path. He is fine with a weekend by himself, sometimes, he prefers it. He reads. He writes. When he thinks something is really funny he laughs, closes his eyes, and kicks his feet. When he sleeps he flicks his foot, and is VERY hard to wake up. He is deep. A well of wisdom and a yearning for learning more. He is a hard worker, someone who doesn't stop until he does the best that he can. He is a giver. The definition of it. He is a man I can walk to in any mood and know that I will be appreciated, loved, and delighted in. He is a man that, if I called his name for help, he would destroy any and all barriers in his way to come to my side. And he is man that I would die for.

There is something incredible about being so close to a friend that he is a brother. Not only is Evan my brother in Christ, but he is my brother in a different sense. He is not "one of my friends from high school" or "one of my college bros". Evan is the one, and only, man that will have been evident and present in both those stages of my life. We will share a bond that I cannot share with anyone else. Evan knows where I came from. He knows my roots. He has seen me at the height of my anger (one of the only people to see that) and he has seen me in the pits of grief when Evanne died. He has seen me dead, before I met Christ, and he has seen me alive, a follower of Christ. Many people define friends as "gold", or college friends, and "silver", high school friends. Evan surpasses that. Evan is a "diamond"; infinitely valuable. Evan will, and forever will be, my best friend.

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