Today, Joe "Daddy" Dane, Jeremy "North" Mateyk, and James "Good Lookin" Harris, and John "Angry Bird" Carr, woke up and had a lovely breakfast of pancakes cooked by Joe this morning (well afternoon, we all woke up post 12oclock) After this lovely breakfast, we decided to go Christmas Tree shopping in the local Blacksburg Community. After haggling fiercely for prices, we strapped our newly acquired seven foot tree on the roof of the Lebaron, and made our way to shop for decorations. Again haggling with the Walmart employees for prices, we were able to get some simply delightful decorations and take the fresh pine back home where we spent the afternoon decorating and playfully running throw the snow. Tis the season to decorate for Christmas. Currently, the Men are sitting around the fire, some reading, some on their laptops, others just enjoying the warmth of the season and the relaxation that comes with a long day of errands. Oh and Jeremy's asleep alone in his cold room. He hates warmth and Christmas decorations, because he's from the North.
James Crockett Harris III
p.s. I know this blog sucked, it is mainly just for the use of presenting pictures of the season.
James, in my opinion any jokes about how Jeremy doesn't have a soul since he's from above the mason dixon make a blog a good one.