Jackson Strawn.
Beanie Wearing.
Study Buddy.
Tonight, Jackson and I made moves within the willard household. In his own room previously, our room currently, my bed is now caddy cornered under his lofted masterpiece, and his desk now sits against the wall to my right in my old room. It was a long time coming to happen, mainly because I had done all my laundry before break, then decided I didn't want to fold or put away any of it before I left for Thanksgiving. One of the top thirty worst deciscions I've ever made. But after much hanging, folding, complaining and griping, my room was clean enough to start moving things around. The dream of a reading nook has now passed, we don't want the space to be cramped. However, we do have space to lay out on the floor and do work on our stomachs which, as everyone knows, is the best way to do work. The picture above is one from tonight, our first night together, working as brothers on our studies. His, summer internship applications. Mine- facebook chatting and the such. Ah. BFFS. and Now, BFWST,F. Best Friends Who Study Together, Forever.
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