Left to right, Jason, Norton, Kyle, James, Me, Jeremy.
Not shown, Joe... he's somewhere doing homework.
Well, after another long respite I have decided to once again blog. As the only active blogger (3 posts to my name) currently living in the house this summer, I feel it necessary to update everyone of the going-ons in Blacksburg.
With warm weather comes not so much rain and almost no wind in Blacksburg, which may come as a surprise to many of you Hokies out there. It has been quite pleasant in fact. You may have noticed that the name of this blog is "Willard Plantation". This is because we have some changes in the House this summer and some of us thought it appropriate to temporarily nickname the House. If you take a look at the top photo you may glimpse a haphazard "Plantation" written on a piece of cardboard stuck onto the surfboard hanging from the porch. We all agreed on a temporary name change, however discussions of adding a Confederate or "Don't Tread On Me" flag are ongoing. Anyways, with Evan being a jerk and dropping out for the summer to live in dumb Charlottesville, Joe and I remain the only full-time members of the Willard House currently here for the summer. However, in the offseason, we have made some trades that, overall, Joe and I are quite pleased with. The new residents of the "hipster room" (John and Evans room of course) are two strapping men by the names of Jason Popp and Kyle Lamers. Both are of substantial size and are as tall as James, but with slightly more muscle. This, along with the presence of Jacked-Joe, has proved to create the most formidable Willard to date. In the apartments, a sole resident remained for the summer; Alex Norton. He frequents the house and is considered an honorary member for the summer. Let me give you a low-down of everyone you don't know.
Jason Popp.

Jason is a fun-loving, sarcastic, Richmond-born gentleman. He enjoys fishing, sitting on the porch, and playing Zelda and Mass Effect II. This current occupier of John Carr's bed prefers a classis look of white t-shirt, cutoff black jhorts, and black slipons. Jason is a master of accents and impressions, and is constantly quoting things for all of our amusement. Every weekend is sure to hold a trip to the River for the Plantation, and Jason is our fishing guide; supplying lures and baits, and teaching us what type of cast and area is appropriate to fish. As you can see above, he has an incredible level of expertise. Jason is currently taking a class for the summer at VT and enjoys the most free time of any of us. Jason loves to push your buttons, and it may be annoying, but once you get past it, he is one of the most caring people I know. Love you buddy
Kyle Lamers.

Kyle Lamers is our new Jeremy. It's not because of his imposing physical stature or slight resemblance to a bear, but rather his role in our jokes. Without Jeremy and James there has been a significant drop in Northerner jokes at the Willard Plantation. Luckily, Jason has taken up the mantle and proceeded to make many comments about Kyle being from Texas. Yes. Kyle is from Texas. Taking Evans bed, Kyle has graced us with the Willard House's first piercings. Eyebrow and ear rings make this rosy-cheeked beast look terrifying. But, if you can get by those formidable Texas fronts, you will find a man with beautiful green-gray eyes, a love for eating out at restaurants (which him and I do about three to four times a week... see image)

and a tendency to play the worst Super Smash I have ever seen. Kyle is in Blacksburg this summer because he has a job with VT... looking at dirt. That's right folks, Kyle is a construction site inspector for VT facilities department... I guess that's the sort of thing people in Texas consider fun... weird. Love you too buddy.
Alex Norton.

When searching for picture of Norton I noticed a surprising amount of manly photos, and I was impressed... touche Nort. Norton is a calm and reasonable man unless it comes to NASCAR or the Steelers. Norton is taking time this summer to enjoy the simpler things in life; playing Red Dead Redemption, brewing his own beer, and perfecting the art of fishing. Kyle, Jason, Joe, and I are all going to be Juniors, but Norton will be a senior and he is loving his summer in Blacksburg. He is currently working at a company in Roanoke as an intern engineer. Alex is Greek and the infamous unblemished lamb of the Willard compound. If you you have never met Alex he can be summed up thus; a kind and gentle soul. Love you also buddy.
Joe Danehower.
Does homework all the time.
For a more visual display of shenanigans please add Jason Popp as a friend on Facebook and see the album Plantation Life, or go here http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150279312802184.378045.644177183.
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