5:45 am.
That's when I wake up every day. I don't work till 8 am. Just in time to get a good gnar sesh in before stocking shelves at conner's a local grocery store. I roll out of my bed and walk into the common space of the small apartment I share with PJ, Eli and Charlie, the three guys I'm doing ministry with this Summer in Hatteras. I walk into the the small half-bath and rub some water on my face and brush my teeth. I then rub my hand through my hair a few times, just to get it right at that "my-hair-looks-great-but-its-long-and-I-don't-care-how-it-looks" way. Then I walk down the stairs, grab my board (it's named ShreddyMac), strap it to the top of my purplish-plum le sabre, and head down to the ocean.
What a sesh. There musta been a couple 20-footers out there. I wish James was here, he woulda loved destroying those bad boys with me. James loves to surf as well, and I'm almost as good as he is. He coulda shown me the ropes there a couple times, I got a little scared. Now it's off to stock shelves for a few hours, before heading to my second job; Foster Boats- a boat repair place on the island. Real rough dudes work there. They all speak with these strange pseudo-australian accents. But I like them. And they like me. They call me crazy carr. It's a sign of affection among these roughnecks.
What a day. Done with work by 4- just enough time to go and shred more. Got a barnacle in my foot. Ouch.
I head back to the house, cooked up two Ramen noodle cups for dinner, aka living the high life. I usually only eat one, but after so much surf, the fake chinese food does me good. I walk onto the front porch and sit there for a while, reading and relaxing. Watching the sunset. Then I walk inside and put on some music that you probably haven't heard of. It's called Seven Swans Started Out With Nothing. It's a folk/reggae/hardcore/jazz mix. Evan would like it.
Tonight is the night where we open up the skate park on the Island. Every kid is here, from 7th grade bros to toocoolforschool 12th graders. But we let them all in. They love it and I have some sweet conversations with some of the dudes.
Once we close down the park it's about 11:30. That means it's only 8pm over in Kansas, where my long-time girlfriend Stef lives. She's the best. We have a quick skype sesh, about 3 and a half hours, and then I go to bed at 3. Up in less than 3 hours, to do it all again.
well done sir. one of the funniest ones to date.