7 a.m.
I hit the snooze a couple times this morning, and got up around 7:35. I would've hit it again, but while getting out of bed to get the alarm, I tripped over my huge, zebra pajama pants and fell to the ground successfully waking me. Another beautiful morning in Michigan. I walk into the bathroom and consider brushing my teeth, but I did yesterday so I deem it unnecessary. At this point I grab the Word and go to the front porch of the cabin with my snack. I love my morning snack. The day isn't complete with out it. I then pull on my attire for the day. A baggie shirt that I got for free somewhere, and slightly tight tye-dye shorts. Then some long, white, slightly dirty socks that I feel naked without. Now only one more fashion statement before I look straight goon. I grab my ratty sneakers from under my bunk and make my way to the club room.
Camp is just becoming alive at this point, a group of campers is up playing Frolf. I could easily beat them, but decline their shouted invitation to join. I've been known to chuck a solid bee, but there's time for work and there's time for play. So in about an hour I'll go play by myself. Glorious. I grab a cup of coffee on the way to the sound booth and say hit to the techs. They're gon gon wit da gon gon so it makes my job that much easier, if you know what I'm sayin. Today is the Timber Wolf Volleyball Tourney, but I don't have too much to do- the stand is already set up by the vball courts. I wander aimlessly for a little while and try to take a quick nap to no avail. Fortunately, I downloaded an episode of the first 48 last night, so I keep myself occupied for 22 minutes or so.
Time comes for the tourney, so I grab a few bees and begin to chuck at the mob assembled in front of the stand. These teams need their chips, and I relish power that comes with my position. After the volleyball is over, campers head to lunch so I take a quick dip in the lake by myself to cool off. After my shower, I jump on the scale real quick to see what the champ himself is weighing in at. Still 120 pounds, soaking wet. Beast!
I go and play a few rounds of Frizz with some s.s. bros, and then go back to the sound booth to get ready for club. This board practically runs itself, though I am afraid that it will short out with the amount of sweat pouring off my palms. Club runs smoothly, as usual with me in control, and I go to help with the next event.
After the day is done, around 11:00 I go on a walk with miles for miles, to chat and catch up. Little did I know that our walk was gonna last over 30 minutes though! For my body to run at maximum efficiency I like to get at least 8.5 hours of sleep, plus periodic naps throughout the day. I wish there was some DX for me to munch on right now to right this chemical imbalance. Oh well, sacrificing for the gospel. I get back to my bunk around 12:30 and can't believe I am still awake. I am losing my mind. I get out of "my uniform" and slip on my comfy-never-been-washed pajama pants. I feel like I'm on the African Sahara every time I slip into their endless depths. Beddie bye for Jackson. Again, I pass on brushing my teeth as sweet thoughts of soccer, beanies, and mountain dew bounce around my head.
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