As many avid followers of this blog know, The Willard House is located pleasantly on Willard Dr. (Coincidence?) in Blacksburg, VA. Though known for their fine Farmer's Market and slow moving road maintenance, Blacksburg has never been known as "progressive" or "maintained". But all of that is about to change. Though the town has made us put up with eyesores for years, (Old BMS, Busted down BHS, abandoned business on Main St., etc.), they're finally doing something about it. Due to a Facebook Status Update from current Willard Summer/Full-time resident Joe "DADDY" Danehower, it came to my attention that...
1. The Old Blacksburg Middle School is being torn down and being replaced with a hip and trendy new shopping/residential area.
2. Alex Norton looks super good on tv.
That's right. No longer will Willard residents and friends have to stare down the old school building on their way to visit. Instead, they may take a walk in the park behind our house, or even go shopping at a local store. Additionally, Alex Norton (Resident: Willard APT. A; Willard Summer House/Plantation), got to talk on the local newscast about the way these changes will affect local renters. You know what that means. The Willard House was on the news. If you go to 1:51 in the following video, you will see the right corner of the house, and the window to Sam and Joe's basement getaway.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Willard Plantation.

Left to right, Jason, Norton, Kyle, James, Me, Jeremy.
Not shown, Joe... he's somewhere doing homework.
Well, after another long respite I have decided to once again blog. As the only active blogger (3 posts to my name) currently living in the house this summer, I feel it necessary to update everyone of the going-ons in Blacksburg.
With warm weather comes not so much rain and almost no wind in Blacksburg, which may come as a surprise to many of you Hokies out there. It has been quite pleasant in fact. You may have noticed that the name of this blog is "Willard Plantation". This is because we have some changes in the House this summer and some of us thought it appropriate to temporarily nickname the House. If you take a look at the top photo you may glimpse a haphazard "Plantation" written on a piece of cardboard stuck onto the surfboard hanging from the porch. We all agreed on a temporary name change, however discussions of adding a Confederate or "Don't Tread On Me" flag are ongoing. Anyways, with Evan being a jerk and dropping out for the summer to live in dumb Charlottesville, Joe and I remain the only full-time members of the Willard House currently here for the summer. However, in the offseason, we have made some trades that, overall, Joe and I are quite pleased with. The new residents of the "hipster room" (John and Evans room of course) are two strapping men by the names of Jason Popp and Kyle Lamers. Both are of substantial size and are as tall as James, but with slightly more muscle. This, along with the presence of Jacked-Joe, has proved to create the most formidable Willard to date. In the apartments, a sole resident remained for the summer; Alex Norton. He frequents the house and is considered an honorary member for the summer. Let me give you a low-down of everyone you don't know.
Jason Popp.

Jason is a fun-loving, sarcastic, Richmond-born gentleman. He enjoys fishing, sitting on the porch, and playing Zelda and Mass Effect II. This current occupier of John Carr's bed prefers a classis look of white t-shirt, cutoff black jhorts, and black slipons. Jason is a master of accents and impressions, and is constantly quoting things for all of our amusement. Every weekend is sure to hold a trip to the River for the Plantation, and Jason is our fishing guide; supplying lures and baits, and teaching us what type of cast and area is appropriate to fish. As you can see above, he has an incredible level of expertise. Jason is currently taking a class for the summer at VT and enjoys the most free time of any of us. Jason loves to push your buttons, and it may be annoying, but once you get past it, he is one of the most caring people I know. Love you buddy
Kyle Lamers.

Kyle Lamers is our new Jeremy. It's not because of his imposing physical stature or slight resemblance to a bear, but rather his role in our jokes. Without Jeremy and James there has been a significant drop in Northerner jokes at the Willard Plantation. Luckily, Jason has taken up the mantle and proceeded to make many comments about Kyle being from Texas. Yes. Kyle is from Texas. Taking Evans bed, Kyle has graced us with the Willard House's first piercings. Eyebrow and ear rings make this rosy-cheeked beast look terrifying. But, if you can get by those formidable Texas fronts, you will find a man with beautiful green-gray eyes, a love for eating out at restaurants (which him and I do about three to four times a week... see image)

and a tendency to play the worst Super Smash I have ever seen. Kyle is in Blacksburg this summer because he has a job with VT... looking at dirt. That's right folks, Kyle is a construction site inspector for VT facilities department... I guess that's the sort of thing people in Texas consider fun... weird. Love you too buddy.
Alex Norton.

When searching for picture of Norton I noticed a surprising amount of manly photos, and I was impressed... touche Nort. Norton is a calm and reasonable man unless it comes to NASCAR or the Steelers. Norton is taking time this summer to enjoy the simpler things in life; playing Red Dead Redemption, brewing his own beer, and perfecting the art of fishing. Kyle, Jason, Joe, and I are all going to be Juniors, but Norton will be a senior and he is loving his summer in Blacksburg. He is currently working at a company in Roanoke as an intern engineer. Alex is Greek and the infamous unblemished lamb of the Willard compound. If you you have never met Alex he can be summed up thus; a kind and gentle soul. Love you also buddy.
Joe Danehower.
Does homework all the time.
For a more visual display of shenanigans please add Jason Popp as a friend on Facebook and see the album Plantation Life, or go here
Thursday, June 16, 2011
A Day in the life of Jackson Strawn

7 a.m.
I hit the snooze a couple times this morning, and got up around 7:35. I would've hit it again, but while getting out of bed to get the alarm, I tripped over my huge, zebra pajama pants and fell to the ground successfully waking me. Another beautiful morning in Michigan. I walk into the bathroom and consider brushing my teeth, but I did yesterday so I deem it unnecessary. At this point I grab the Word and go to the front porch of the cabin with my snack. I love my morning snack. The day isn't complete with out it. I then pull on my attire for the day. A baggie shirt that I got for free somewhere, and slightly tight tye-dye shorts. Then some long, white, slightly dirty socks that I feel naked without. Now only one more fashion statement before I look straight goon. I grab my ratty sneakers from under my bunk and make my way to the club room.
Camp is just becoming alive at this point, a group of campers is up playing Frolf. I could easily beat them, but decline their shouted invitation to join. I've been known to chuck a solid bee, but there's time for work and there's time for play. So in about an hour I'll go play by myself. Glorious. I grab a cup of coffee on the way to the sound booth and say hit to the techs. They're gon gon wit da gon gon so it makes my job that much easier, if you know what I'm sayin. Today is the Timber Wolf Volleyball Tourney, but I don't have too much to do- the stand is already set up by the vball courts. I wander aimlessly for a little while and try to take a quick nap to no avail. Fortunately, I downloaded an episode of the first 48 last night, so I keep myself occupied for 22 minutes or so.
Time comes for the tourney, so I grab a few bees and begin to chuck at the mob assembled in front of the stand. These teams need their chips, and I relish power that comes with my position. After the volleyball is over, campers head to lunch so I take a quick dip in the lake by myself to cool off. After my shower, I jump on the scale real quick to see what the champ himself is weighing in at. Still 120 pounds, soaking wet. Beast!
I go and play a few rounds of Frizz with some s.s. bros, and then go back to the sound booth to get ready for club. This board practically runs itself, though I am afraid that it will short out with the amount of sweat pouring off my palms. Club runs smoothly, as usual with me in control, and I go to help with the next event.
After the day is done, around 11:00 I go on a walk with miles for miles, to chat and catch up. Little did I know that our walk was gonna last over 30 minutes though! For my body to run at maximum efficiency I like to get at least 8.5 hours of sleep, plus periodic naps throughout the day. I wish there was some DX for me to munch on right now to right this chemical imbalance. Oh well, sacrificing for the gospel. I get back to my bunk around 12:30 and can't believe I am still awake. I am losing my mind. I get out of "my uniform" and slip on my comfy-never-been-washed pajama pants. I feel like I'm on the African Sahara every time I slip into their endless depths. Beddie bye for Jackson. Again, I pass on brushing my teeth as sweet thoughts of soccer, beanies, and mountain dew bounce around my head.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
A Day in the life of John Carr

5:45 am.
That's when I wake up every day. I don't work till 8 am. Just in time to get a good gnar sesh in before stocking shelves at conner's a local grocery store. I roll out of my bed and walk into the common space of the small apartment I share with PJ, Eli and Charlie, the three guys I'm doing ministry with this Summer in Hatteras. I walk into the the small half-bath and rub some water on my face and brush my teeth. I then rub my hand through my hair a few times, just to get it right at that "my-hair-looks-great-but-its-long-and-I-don't-care-how-it-looks" way. Then I walk down the stairs, grab my board (it's named ShreddyMac), strap it to the top of my purplish-plum le sabre, and head down to the ocean.
What a sesh. There musta been a couple 20-footers out there. I wish James was here, he woulda loved destroying those bad boys with me. James loves to surf as well, and I'm almost as good as he is. He coulda shown me the ropes there a couple times, I got a little scared. Now it's off to stock shelves for a few hours, before heading to my second job; Foster Boats- a boat repair place on the island. Real rough dudes work there. They all speak with these strange pseudo-australian accents. But I like them. And they like me. They call me crazy carr. It's a sign of affection among these roughnecks.
What a day. Done with work by 4- just enough time to go and shred more. Got a barnacle in my foot. Ouch.
I head back to the house, cooked up two Ramen noodle cups for dinner, aka living the high life. I usually only eat one, but after so much surf, the fake chinese food does me good. I walk onto the front porch and sit there for a while, reading and relaxing. Watching the sunset. Then I walk inside and put on some music that you probably haven't heard of. It's called Seven Swans Started Out With Nothing. It's a folk/reggae/hardcore/jazz mix. Evan would like it.
Tonight is the night where we open up the skate park on the Island. Every kid is here, from 7th grade bros to toocoolforschool 12th graders. But we let them all in. They love it and I have some sweet conversations with some of the dudes.
Once we close down the park it's about 11:30. That means it's only 8pm over in Kansas, where my long-time girlfriend Stef lives. She's the best. We have a quick skype sesh, about 3 and a half hours, and then I go to bed at 3. Up in less than 3 hours, to do it all again.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
"A Cast of Characters"- Featured Blog
This blog was written by our very own Doug "Monroe" Clelland. He decided when he left for the trail not to contribute to the House blog anymore, and started his own called There.
This is one of his posts from early May, that I think everyone will enjoy.
Here's a rough sketch of the people I have been with on this journey:
"Circuit Rider", "Sherlock", and "Hopeful" along with "Last Minute": These guys were on top of Springer Mt. with me at the beginning. I didn't know them then, but got to know them over the first week. All of them thru-hiked in '03, and the first three are doing it again this year. Last Minute was along for the first week to see them off. They are all older than me in varying degrees.
Circuit Rider is 50some. His trail name is derived from the old Bible-belt preachers who would 'ride the circuit' preaching at a different church each week. Circuit Rider and Sherlock have thru-hiked 6 previous times, this one will make 7. They do it as a ministry opportunity, to share the gospel of Jesus. It's a pretty good idea, seeing as people are so open on the trail. Circuit Rider took my picture on Springer, and I'm glad that he did. He's a boss.
Sherlock is the youngest, something like 31. He likes to read books by christian authors, and talk about what he has read. So he told me about things that he has read when we were hiking a piece together. Also, Sherlock has a girl back home, so we bonded over what it is like to hike and try and get phone service so you can talk to a special female. Sherlock was keeping his budding relationship secret from his hiking partners, except for Circuit Rider, because Hopeful and Last Minute would make fun of him if they knew. They did find out while I was with them, and didn't seem to make fun of him. All the same, though, when we were at Neel's Gap Outfitter he pulls me aside with "Hey Brown [that's what I was going by back then], I have a secret for you." Turns out he had gotten phone service on the previous mountain and had talked with his girl. He was excited.
Hopeful is in his 60s. He fought in 'nam and didn't go crazy from it, but a lot of his friends did. I consider Hopeful a gentle and quiet man, because he is, but he can talk for a long time about any subject you get him started on. Circuit Rider and Sherlock will tell you if you ask them that they are hiking in order to share the gospel as the opportunity arises, along with the personal adventure of a thru-hike. Hopeful is doing the same, but would probably never tell you that. He is one of the most authentic brother in the faith. Seriously, if I can know Jesus the way it is evident that this man does, that would be sweet.
Last Minute was a section hiker, so I hesitate to include him in this list, but here he is. Last Minute got his name because when he thru-hiked in '03 he got his gear at the last minute, caught his flight at the last minute... He said the name chose him.
Justin a.k.a. "Blaze": I met Justin my first night on the trail. Going around for introductions he said his name was Justin, "My name is Justin, I like that name." He was being a little defensive because everyone else had made up names. That cut to my heart though, that he liked his name. That night I said to myself, "I like my name too, I don't want to take a made up name." So I chose Monroe, my name but also distinct enough from what people call me at home to be playing alone with the thru-hiker name game. When I last saw him, Justin was toying with the trail name "Blaze", which I thought was fitting because of his blaze orange hat that he wore almost constantly in those early chilly days, and because he likes to smoke weed.
"CrazyLegs": CrazyLegs is from Florida. She started out "FancyPants", but decided that she is not that fancy a person (she's not) and that she wanted to pay tribute to the legs that are going to get her to Maine (they are really long, she's a tall one) so she changed her name. This meant that for the next few days she had to fight the improper name and name combinations, like "FancyLegs", "CrazyPants", and "PantsLegs". Eventually the new name stuck.
"DreamBeliever": DreamBeliever is an older woman who had recently had a serious car accident. This accident, which reminded her that her life will not last forever, inspired her to go after her lifelong dream of thru-hiking the AT. Unfortunately, there was serious pain in her shoulder from the accident which made carrying a heavy backpack not so cool, and she fell a few days in and thought that she added a broken rib to the mix. She went home, and is the only person I have known who has done so.
"Cotton": Cotton was a funny farm boy who got made fun of for having cotton clothes on the first day in the rain. Some people call cotton the 'death fabric' on the trail, because if it gets wet and it is cold you are in more serious danger of hypothermia than you need to be if you were just wearing something else. Cotton was cool, I hope he makes it all the way.
"Infidel/Doc/Boozer": This guy is/was a military man. His attempt in '03 was cut short by getting called overseas, so he is back to do the whole deal this time. He chose the name Infidel from his time spent around Islam, and because he classifies himself as a pagan. Changed this to Doc when it was a more natural name to be called (I think this means he was a doctor in the military). Then, on the first day, he picked up a fallen water bottle and thinking he had just scored some free water went to drink the contents when he had a bad surprise. You see, a lot of hikers carry denatured alcohol as a stove fuel, which looks just like water. Also, a lot of hikers carry this fuel in old plastic bottles, because these are cheap and lightweight containers. This one had x's on it, but Doc took this to mean that it had already been filtered. You can't drink denatured alcohol. Hopeful said later that day that we should rename him Boozer.
...more to come, stay posted...
We miss you Doug! You can do it!
This is one of his posts from early May, that I think everyone will enjoy.
Here's a rough sketch of the people I have been with on this journey:
"Circuit Rider", "Sherlock", and "Hopeful" along with "Last Minute": These guys were on top of Springer Mt. with me at the beginning. I didn't know them then, but got to know them over the first week. All of them thru-hiked in '03, and the first three are doing it again this year. Last Minute was along for the first week to see them off. They are all older than me in varying degrees.
Circuit Rider is 50some. His trail name is derived from the old Bible-belt preachers who would 'ride the circuit' preaching at a different church each week. Circuit Rider and Sherlock have thru-hiked 6 previous times, this one will make 7. They do it as a ministry opportunity, to share the gospel of Jesus. It's a pretty good idea, seeing as people are so open on the trail. Circuit Rider took my picture on Springer, and I'm glad that he did. He's a boss.
Sherlock is the youngest, something like 31. He likes to read books by christian authors, and talk about what he has read. So he told me about things that he has read when we were hiking a piece together. Also, Sherlock has a girl back home, so we bonded over what it is like to hike and try and get phone service so you can talk to a special female. Sherlock was keeping his budding relationship secret from his hiking partners, except for Circuit Rider, because Hopeful and Last Minute would make fun of him if they knew. They did find out while I was with them, and didn't seem to make fun of him. All the same, though, when we were at Neel's Gap Outfitter he pulls me aside with "Hey Brown [that's what I was going by back then], I have a secret for you." Turns out he had gotten phone service on the previous mountain and had talked with his girl. He was excited.
Hopeful is in his 60s. He fought in 'nam and didn't go crazy from it, but a lot of his friends did. I consider Hopeful a gentle and quiet man, because he is, but he can talk for a long time about any subject you get him started on. Circuit Rider and Sherlock will tell you if you ask them that they are hiking in order to share the gospel as the opportunity arises, along with the personal adventure of a thru-hike. Hopeful is doing the same, but would probably never tell you that. He is one of the most authentic brother in the faith. Seriously, if I can know Jesus the way it is evident that this man does, that would be sweet.
Last Minute was a section hiker, so I hesitate to include him in this list, but here he is. Last Minute got his name because when he thru-hiked in '03 he got his gear at the last minute, caught his flight at the last minute... He said the name chose him.
Justin a.k.a. "Blaze": I met Justin my first night on the trail. Going around for introductions he said his name was Justin, "My name is Justin, I like that name." He was being a little defensive because everyone else had made up names. That cut to my heart though, that he liked his name. That night I said to myself, "I like my name too, I don't want to take a made up name." So I chose Monroe, my name but also distinct enough from what people call me at home to be playing alone with the thru-hiker name game. When I last saw him, Justin was toying with the trail name "Blaze", which I thought was fitting because of his blaze orange hat that he wore almost constantly in those early chilly days, and because he likes to smoke weed.
"CrazyLegs": CrazyLegs is from Florida. She started out "FancyPants", but decided that she is not that fancy a person (she's not) and that she wanted to pay tribute to the legs that are going to get her to Maine (they are really long, she's a tall one) so she changed her name. This meant that for the next few days she had to fight the improper name and name combinations, like "FancyLegs", "CrazyPants", and "PantsLegs". Eventually the new name stuck.
"DreamBeliever": DreamBeliever is an older woman who had recently had a serious car accident. This accident, which reminded her that her life will not last forever, inspired her to go after her lifelong dream of thru-hiking the AT. Unfortunately, there was serious pain in her shoulder from the accident which made carrying a heavy backpack not so cool, and she fell a few days in and thought that she added a broken rib to the mix. She went home, and is the only person I have known who has done so.
"Cotton": Cotton was a funny farm boy who got made fun of for having cotton clothes on the first day in the rain. Some people call cotton the 'death fabric' on the trail, because if it gets wet and it is cold you are in more serious danger of hypothermia than you need to be if you were just wearing something else. Cotton was cool, I hope he makes it all the way.
"Infidel/Doc/Boozer": This guy is/was a military man. His attempt in '03 was cut short by getting called overseas, so he is back to do the whole deal this time. He chose the name Infidel from his time spent around Islam, and because he classifies himself as a pagan. Changed this to Doc when it was a more natural name to be called (I think this means he was a doctor in the military). Then, on the first day, he picked up a fallen water bottle and thinking he had just scored some free water went to drink the contents when he had a bad surprise. You see, a lot of hikers carry denatured alcohol as a stove fuel, which looks just like water. Also, a lot of hikers carry this fuel in old plastic bottles, because these are cheap and lightweight containers. This one had x's on it, but Doc took this to mean that it had already been filtered. You can't drink denatured alcohol. Hopeful said later that day that we should rename him Boozer.
...more to come, stay posted...
We miss you Doug! You can do it!
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