8 AM: First alarm goes off. I have class in 15 minutes. What is life? I decide to skip and go back to sleep.
9:45 AM: I awaken to light shining through a hole in my wall. Some would say "window" but they obviously haven't seen my jail cell of an apartment. There's no glass in this hole, it's just a spot where the walls don't meet correctly and I can see outside. I missed my first class entirely, so why go to any today? I decide to hit the beach instead.
10:30 AM: After cruising noise trade for a while to see if I could find some hip new indie bands, I slip on my short swim trunks and walk down to the Charleston ocean front. I sit on the sand and ponder deep questions of life. I also imagine myself being a better surfer than John, and more importantly James, and am filled with joy.
11 AM: I walk back to the apartment and slap together 4 PBJs. Food of champions.
11:15 AM: I hit the gym. It's arm and abs day, cause everyday is arm and abs day.
2 PM: Can no longer feel my arms or stomach. Go an eat 4 more PBJs.
2:30 PM: I go to the middle school cause it's letting out and kids are hopping on the bus. I just started leading Wyldlife, and unfortunately the administration doesn't realize that I am being a mentor to kids, because the resource officer just slammed me against the bus and called me a pedophile. After some quick talking and him running my ID, I get off scott free.
3 PM: I sit down and read "Hinds feet in High Places" it's the best!
4 PM: I finally head to the lab. Ughhh.
11 PM: Head home from lab. Head onto the streets of Chucktown
11:15 PM Post a few Instagrams, try some filters. Follow me @chucktownjoe
11:30 PM Get tired of the Charleston night life and head back to my apartment. I lay in my couch/bed and look up at the ceiling. Then I go eat a PBJ, and fall asleep.
11:45 PM Dream about Chud.
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