Where to begin? So much has changed since the last blog updating on our situations. I guess I'll start where everything started, with Bug.
Evan "BUG" Underwood: A drifter of sorts, Evan wanders from town to town, enhancing building projects wherever he goes. Still working as a project manager for a large conglomerate, he has recently been taking in the sights and sounds of the great west (according to Facebook at least). He also moved to Pennsylvania, and lives in a yellow house.
Jackson "Zebra Pants" Strawn: Still working for Young Life in the sleepy borough of Wytheville, VA, Jackson lives the good life with his wife and best friend Kimmie "Frozen" Strawn. When questioned about things he likes to do living in Wytheville, the words "Netflix" and "McDonalds" came up an average of every fifth word.
Sam "It Was 30" Bowman: After a tumultuous season of life living on Capitol Hill and serving as the real life story of the New Jersey Congressman in "House of Cards" (Season 1), Sam decided to leave the fast-paced DC scene and head to Virginia Beach, where he seeks to find his fortune creating a reality show called, "Virginia Shore."
John "Street Artist" Carr: Still hipster as sh*t, John and his wife Stef are on Young Life staff in Harrisonburg, VA. In a strange turn of events, somehow Young Life paid for John to go to Greek for a two week vaca-work trip with his mentor Justin "Horse" Ryder. In the coming months, expect there to be a "60 Minutes" report on non-profits abusive spending habits with pictures of John in a red beanie lounging in a hot spring somewhere in Iceland.
Jeremy "The Real Engineer" Mateyk: Working as an engineer at Ford, Jeremy enjoys the finer things in life, like getting to drive gigantic Ford trucks around as part of "testing" them. He is dating one Charlotte "Only Trade Me" Wheat, who is also an engineer. They spend their time talking about things like heat transfer, fluid dynamics, and those oh-so-sexy fuel-injected engines.
Joe "The Unknown Biker" Danehower: Holding it down in South Carolina, Joe works as a kind-of engineer at some place that isn't Ford. He spends his day holed up in a cubicle, and his nights wearing khaki shorts and a polo with sleeves rolled up and unbuttoned, walking down moonlit beaches.
James "Grunge" Harris: In an unforeseen turn of events, I joined the Air Force and am currently doing Commissioned Officer Training at Maxwell AFB in Alabama. Next year I will be back in the Dash, and my lovely fiance will be moving to Winston-Salem as well.
Doug "Beard" Clelland: On the AT
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