A lot of people know the Willard resident known as Evan T. Underwood, but at the same time, a lot of people are being fooled daily by this mystery man. You see, single personalities are for us lesser mortals such as myself. "Evan Underwood" actually has three personalities, which we will examine in full.
Evan Underwood This is classic Evan, the one most Blacksburg residents know and love. A child of mother nature, Evan enjoys trying to communicate with the birds and other small forest animals that inhabit the Willard property. Always on the lookout for a new place to hang a birdfeeder, Evan is in all probability the sole provider for most of the squirrels in a three mile radius. Quiet and thoughtful, Evan likes to reflect on things like the way strands of light hit the trees on a whimsical summer evening, or the leaves on the majestic sycamore tree after a cool, fall rain. This personality is probably active about 60% of the time.
Thomas Thomas (drawn from the T in Evan T. Underwood) is the professional, well-put together and quick thinking personality of Evan. Only on display when Evan is dressed and looking dapper in a full suit, Thomas espouses power and confidence with every step. Creative, forward thinking and full of leadership potential, Thomas would be an asset to any Fortune 500 company looking to make that next step. Thomas is not nearly as active as much as Evan is however, only available about 10% of the time.
Bug Unpredictable. Edgy. New. These words all come to mind when thinking about the man known simply as Bug. The name, taken from Michelle Underwood (the mother of Evan Underwood) was originally a nickname before blossoming into a fully separate personality. Bug's emotions are all over the place. Sometimes, super focused, he will be seen marching with a determined look in his eye off to conquer some ill-defined goal. Other times, he will simply disappear for days on end, with no word as to where he has been, and sometime seemingly no recollection of his previous whereabouts. Bug can also be outright aggressive, verbally and physically attacking his smaller and subservient brother, Adam Underwood. No matter what mood Bug is in, you can always expect the unexpected. Bug appears more frequently than Thomas, yet less frequently than Evan, about 30% of the time.
I hope this has given you some insight into the possible schizophrenic like symptoms displayed by Mr. Underwood and observed by the Willard House members. Can you think of any circumstances where you have witnessed Evan's personalities?
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