What comes to mind when I think "October"? I'm glad you asked. Yes, it is a month, so that is probably the first thing I think of. But secondly? HalloWillard. An event greater than Halloween. And it's two days before, so you know it's better. But just saying that probably won't convince you, which is why I decided to make a Top 10 Reasons to Come to HalloWillard List.
1. Live Music. Where else are you gonna listen to two spectacular singers for only $2 in one night?
2. Costumes. Everyone loves getting dressed up like witches and other crap like that. So we're gonna let you wear whatever costume you want here. You're welcome.
3. Sam Bowman is gonna be here. He's super good looking.
4. Leland Pearson is dressing up like his look a-like Mr. Tumnus. Don't act like you've never seen the similarities. Slap some horns and hooves on Leland and he could star in the upcoming Chronicles of Narnia movie.
5. Petting Zoo. This isn't a joke. House resident Evan Underwood is currently in the process of locating small animals to be present for a petting zoo. We've procured chickens, ducks and possibly a small goat thus far. We are in the market for a donkey.
6. Fun games. Pumpkin bowling? Super creative.
7. A special appearance by Gus Chiggins. Who doesn't love an imaginary prospector showing up and leading everyone in a a round of Square dancing?
8. The great outdoors. It's in the parking lot, so you can breathe all the fresh air you want.
9. Issac Nagle is going to dye his hair red for this event. Whaaat?!
10. There are gonna be baked goods! You can even bring some!
If those aren't ten good reasons to come from out of town to see this event, check out this video which will make it all the more clear...
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