I thought that I'd share a few thoughts/ideas/theorems that have been blowing my mind lately. The Right Hand Rule, as applied to mathematics and physics, indeed may contain all (or at least most) of the answers to life's most complex and difficult questions. Lately, I have come to realize that this simple mnemonic (originally created for understanding notation conventions for vectors in 3 dimensions, particularly for its application in understanding electromagnetism) is universally applicable to any activity that one may choose to apply it to. You aren't sure what the sex of your soon to be child will be, apply the rule. You are unsure whether or not a lottery ticket will be worthwhile investment, apply the rule. What color shirt should I wear today, apply the rule. You get the idea. Now, the understanding of the right hand rule may come easily for those of us that have previously engaged in its many functions and applications, the complete and thorough mastering of its brilliance is quite a noble accomplishment. Men and women constantly misuse this pseudo curl and to great catastrophe at that. Buildings collapse, people lose jobs, and various assortments of college students are greatly grieved at its improper use. Perhaps the most common of misuses foolishly involves the use of the left hand in place of the right hand. Never, and I repeat myself, never is there a scenario that allows for the use of the infamous left hand rule. As far as the right hand rule goes, the left hand is much more than useless. Millions of people are daily fooled into the use of the left hand, and as mentioned the results are catastrophic. Please read about this phenomenon and allow your imagination free rein. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-hand_rule

While I am on the subject, I also feel compelled to mention the infinite punnet square theorem and the infinite Japanese red maple theorem. These concepts (although perhaps more easily comprehended than that of the IRHRT) can lead to success in the office, at home, and in social circles where one intends to "strut ones stuff" figuratively speaking. The infinite punnet square theorem states that all questions pertaining to each and every sect of the biological realms can be solved and explained in great and overwhelming detail with the simple application of a punnet square. I know what your thinking, "this doesn't seem possible, it can't be done." But please, give it a try if you do not believe me. The power of the punnet square scoffs at any explanation that I could possibly give to convince you. You simply must try it an see.

Also, about the Japanese Maple. A marvelously beautiful and magnificent example of what a tree should look like, this tree is universally applicable to any floral design or landscaping design that the mind can fathom. Have a space in your yard that looks bland? A Japanese Red Maple will surpass any expectations one could have ever held about the beauty of his or her yard. The tree, to the astonishment of foresters and botanists alike, somehow magically changes colors (from green to Red) during the fall season of the year. This simple concept is enough to keep any human being at or above average intellect every interested and never bored with the status of the tree.

Consider them treatises if you will, but consider nonetheless,
Thoughts are encouraged.
I once used my left hand by accident as well, the date was April 20, 2010