I met Jackson in the 8th grade. Many of you may be asking, what! no wonder they are such wonderful men, influencing one another for that long. Yes, i know. It's a shock. Believe it of not, Jackson and I where on the same team at Virginia Tech's soccer camp our 8th grade year. In those days, we loved many things including; Afroman, being vulgar, and playing soccer. We would sit in our room before every practice session and listen to Colt 45 by Afroman. I loved Jackson, and for that week we were tight. Interestingly enough, I had a blog at that time on xanga.com. So, in a moment of inspiration, I went back to look at it and found an entry about Jackson, and this is what it said;
Hello, I have been doing things so i havnt written in here for a while. Evan and gantt wanted me to say that they did the herb shop gap, so there you are. so these past days i have been at virginia tech, which is cooler than uva. i was there for soccer camp and it was fun, yada, yada, yada so i made all these hip new friends that are so kick butt its like a kung foo movie and i will enter the coolest line said all week by friend jackson, "Lace up your kick's bitches we're gonna ball." it was funny at the time at least...yeah so now im back and i am ...back, so go do something other than read my xanga. Lacing up my kick's....bitchs, Mr. Todd |
It is interesting how many people in our house rip on Jackson all the time (myself included). Why is this you may ask yourself? Well, I think it's because of Jackson's carefree spirit. He is hilarious, and it allows us to comment on it all the time. He is a man of two distinct sides; a light-hearteded and a deep side. Many may only see the former, but I will be the first to tell you that the latter is just as awesome. It is easy to overlook the wisdom that Jackson holds. But, as a warning to everyone reading, you will miss out on a huge part of a great man if you don't pursue that side of him. It is interesting with the dynamics of our house, and everyone holds a different place in my heart. Jackson holds a place of hilarity and of soul. A place of quiet grace and love. A place that I go when I know i will be appreciated and loved for who I am, where I've been, and where I will be. Anyone who has been around Jackson can tell you of the atmosphere that follows him everywhere. It is an aura of joy. A joy to live, to be alive, and to have new life in Jesus Christ. I envy this about Jackson, a happiness that exudes from his very pores. It is wonderful to walk into someones presence and be happy, just because they are there. Jackson is that man for me. He makes me laugh, makes me smile, and makes feel totally at ease.
I cannot quite place what it is about Jackson that allows me to feel an innate connection with him. I think it is that we are very easy going a lot of the time. Granted, Jackson doesn't like to rebellious things as I do, but the way he goes about life is something I identify with. A, "go with the flow" philosophy if you will. This is accentuated in Jackson's style. Jackson is wavy. So wavy. It's the best. he breaks up the hipster and prep style that punctuats our house. Jackson is who he is, and that's what I love about him. Sweatshirts, beanie, khakis, and multicolored or dirty Ralph Lauren shoes.
Jackson and I have been through a lot. We have had some tears. We have had many deep conversations. And we have had even more laughs. But, I can honestly say that I have never been mad at the man. He occasionally says some things, but they just make me laugh, because Jackson spirit is pure. Walk into the presence of Jackson and you will feel the presence of Jesus. Of Jesus's joy and loving spirit. Of a spirit that is dynamic. Loving, hilarious, wise, and powerful.
Powerful... not an adjective many would use to describe my friend. But, I would say that you haven't seen that serious side of Jackson. Anyone who has heard Jackson speak of his faith or his ministry knows what I mean. He is willing to do anything for kids to meet the Lord, and he does not shy away from the charge that the Lord has given him. Ask Jackson about an issue in the Bible and listen. Because if you don't, you will miss out. Listen to the passion and knowledge of the severity of decision's in Christ that are often masked by his carefree spirit. That is power. The power Jackson knows he has in Christ.
For those readers of the blog that may not know Jack personally, let me give you a little breakdown; He is tall, lanky, and a little bit goofy. Loves rap music. Dances with his legs right next to one another, leaning back, and arms in the air. A man of funny faces and voices. Whenever Jackson's voice gets high and breaks into falsetto, he is lying. He loves to watch tv when he falls asleep. He loves to sag his pajama pants. He looks terrible in the morning when he wakes up (but quickly recovers). He drives a man van. The most annoying person to play Super Smash with. Can be slightly gullible. Laughs all the time. Smiles just as much. Dances almost as much.
I guess the point that I have been getting at is that Jackson is one of my best friends. I love him. He is a man that would do anything for me. He is deep. He is light-hearted. He is funny. ...He is also not funny a lot of the time. Basically, if you want to feel the Holy Spirit's presence, hang out with Jackson. If you want to see a joy in the Lord that mirrors a child's love for a father, hang out with Jackson. Go up to him, dap him up, and say, "Jack, whatchu gon?". Instant love. Encourage him to share some of his wisdom, because he has a lot of it. Accept his dumb jokes, and laugh at his funny ones, because you're guaranteed to get both. Try to see things through his eyes; joyfully and that the world is full of life and promise. I want to apologize right out. I am sorry that you cannot live with this man, or any of my brothers at Willard. Because, the Lord is truly evident in each and every one of them in different ways.
Jackson. I love you.

Lacing up my kick's,