I apologize for my absence from the blogging world for so long, school, work and young life are all in full swing, which means I am a very busy beaver. Such is life though, and that does not excuse me from not writing on the blog. My sincerest apologies.
Anyhow,I figured I'd let you know a bit about my job at Au Bon Pain, Virginia Tech's premier chain dining facility and coffee/pastry expert.
I work Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays from 6:30- 11:00 a.m. I am a stock boy. Or what I like to call the BigShow. I keep ABP running. Without me, that place would be in shambles. I stock the shelves, carry the half and half, and spend a lot of time in large, walk in freezers. Very dolly intensive. Personally, I think I was selected for this job due to my large muscles, which are so visible through even baggy clothing. Or, it could just be that they needed someone to help unload Soy Milk at 6:45 in the morning. I guess we'll never know.
I work with two pro-stockers. Ryan and Greg. Ryan is an 8th year at Virginia Tech. It's true, he decided to take the rare 3rd victory lap. In actuality, due to some academic difficulties, he had to leave school then come back and now works 5 a.m. to 2 p.m. full time, while he finishes out his degree in Ocean Engineering. He has an earring, and likes to put me in uncomfortable situations with fellow employees. He thinks it's very funny, and I sometimes let out a feeble giggle as well.
Greg is the other pro-stocker. About 52 years in age if I time things right, he graduated from Rutgers with a degree in film, and then moved around the U.S. working for different hotel chains at conferences. He was the guy in charge of setting up everything, doing interface and such stuff. But he got sick of moving around everywhere, and wanted to be closer to his mom, so now he's here.
There are some other interesting characters at ABP. Kevin is our baker. I found out today, he finished up his doctorate in Zoology last year, and his father is the head of The Humane Society. Like the large overarching society. But for now, Dr. Kevin is content to get up early and bake delicious breads, before he moves onto a career in zoology.
Duck is a 65 year old dude who helps make portions in the morning. He is really funny, and always tells me I need to be more irate with my job when unloading boxes. He then tells me to kick some boxes around, and waits patiently until I kick the side of a box. Then he says atta boy, I feel good about myself, and he goes outside to smoke a pipe on his break. That's correct, a pipe. Where he keeps it, or how he has time to smoke a pipe while working, are beyond me.
So that's a brief glance at AuBonPain. The heart and soul of Virginia Tech's dining. May your coffee always be hot, your sandwich always freshly made, and your mac and cheese always creamy.
James Harris III