yip yip.
I've awoken in the woods. Again. When this first started happening five years ago, I was afraid I was some kind of werewolf. Then I realized that in actuality, my body loves being outside, even when sleeping. Since then, several nights a week my body tip toes off into the woods by itself, in direct contrast to my waking wishes. I've woken up in my back yard now more times than I can count. When back at Willard, my sleeping body takes me up the hill under the big tree by the Summit. Once, I somehow situated myself in with a herd of deer. They took me in as one of their own.
School's been in session for a few weeks now, and I've been adjusting to my new schedule. This summer, I was used to waking up around 5 a.m. to drink coffee and reflect on nature. The school year changes things however, and now I am able to sleep a little longer; I get up at 6 a.m. to do my usual bird watching and recording.
Instead of all 8 a.m. classes this year, none of my classes start till 11 or later, so after I get up at 6, I really don't know what to do with myself. I get some work done, go lay in my bed some, read, go off and be mysterious for a bit, then finally go to class.
I have class from 11- 7 everyday.
After class, I go home, lay in bed and crack open a nice cold coke. I sip on my sweet beverage in a pink SouthernTide Koozie (http://www.southerntide.com/products/Koozies.html) and listen to some of John Carr's music. I go out on the porch, whistling softly to myself an earthy tune, and indulge in good conversation with my house mates.
Then the fun starts. I whip out my brand-new, Diamond Dead-Eye Compound Bow. I've set up a make shift range behind the apartments, with my target a few feet in front of the fence separating us from SigEp. You may be thinking, "But Evan, what if you miss and one of the arrows flies and hurts someone in SigEp's boisterous backyard?" Well my answer is in two parts my friend, firstly I never miss. Secondly, when I have shot over the target, on purpose, and then lost my arrow, on purpose, in the backyard of SigEp; I have never heard any complaints from them, nor hurt anyone. Plus, since Sam won't let me shoot towards his car anymore, where am I supposed to practice?
I disappear for a few hours now, and it is midnight. I make my way into the house, unbeknownst, and slip under my covers. I set my alarm for 6 a.m. and dream of finches and other native birds of the Appalachia. Beautiful.