6:00 a.m. I wake up and the first though through my head is thanking God I'm not a southerner. This thought lasts for approximately 5 minutes
6:05 a.m. I take a shower and quickly get dressed in my uniform for work. Khaki pants with a brown belt, a light blue collared shirt with a picture of a baby on the front pocket, and elbow length rubber gloves. I ride by bike to work with the rubber gloves on, gets my fingers used to the feeling for the day.
7:00 a.m. I arrive at work (long bike ride), I put on the regulation trash bags over my shoes and make my way down to the experimentation room. This Summer, I am working for Johnston and Johnston baby company. I work in the Vaseline and lotion department, also known as the big show to the other guys in the company. My job is a fast-paced one. I am the man running the direct experiments on children. Every twenty minutes a new baby is brought to me. I take them by the ankles and rub Vaseline or lotion on their palms and bottoms of their feet and knees. I then see if they can crawl without slipping and sliding. Once my bit of fun is done, I do the actual experiment and rub lotion on their forehead, and then ask them a series of questions about how it feels. I've yet to receive a verbal response, but the company tells me that my work is vital to the success of its new "Infinity" line of baby lotions.
12:00 p.m. Lunch break. Finally. I peel off my gloves and leave them at my work station. Then I head down to the lunch room. I take my brown-bag lunch out and devour it's contents. PBJ. Mmmm. I wish I had D2 right about now....
12:15 p.m. back to work.
5 p.m. I clock out and start the long ride back home. Luckily, its all down hill so I make it quickly back to my west chester abode.
5:05 p.m. I walk in the door and see a smorgesboard of treats that my father has left out before me. Meats. Cheeses. Cream Puffs. A bowl of Hershey's syrup. Grapes. Strawberries. Graham Crackers. You name it, its probably on a platter before me.
6:00 p.m. I go and read for a long time. And not just any book. The Bible. The Holy one.
8:00 p.m. I go on a three-way skype sesh with the Mikes. We do this every night. Great friends aren't just there during the school year. We chat about our days, and about acapella and stuff. Then we tell each other goodnight and climb into bed.
10:00 p.m. I am in the bunk beneath James's. He is fast asleep already so I listen to his breathing while I stare at the Ferrari poster taped on the bottom of his bunk. So much power. So much speed. Beautiful. Someday, I won't be lotioning babies anymore. Someday, I'll be a star. Someday, I'll work for the BMW Mountain Bike division. It will be glorious.