Doug's last post got me thinking, and I would like to write poetry to one or two members of our household, due to the fact that apparently I am "negative" or "condescending" or "get major facts wrong" in my previous few posts. These poems may be boring, and you may not want to read them. They are mainly for my roommates. But if you want to take a glance, it'd be cool too. I mean it is on the internet now...
Joe Joe Joe
You have the strength to carry a hundred pound bow
You lift me up when I'm feeling low
You understand my struggles and help me grow
I do not think we've ever had a row
You are my best friend, you fine fellow.
JohnCarr JohnCarr JohnCarr
its amazing to look how we've come so far
from the same hometown in Chesapeake
to sharing a bathroom where we both take a leak
what an amazing adventure it has been in Willard
I am glad that we have never played Billard(s)
You're heart is good and you're will is true.
You get out and do what you're meant to do.
Keep going my brother, an inspiration to me.
And just like Sam, you're pretty darn free.
Jackson my roommate whom I love
You've been my friend sent from above.
and i'm not just talking about where you sleep
but the place in my heart that you keep
I wish I could tell you that I'm glad we're birds of a feather
but words don't express how happy I am that we live together.
Sammy Sam Sam
when we're together my heart goes bam bam
that last line sucked and sounded real dumb
when you wrestle me to the ground my face goes numb
You are so free my wily friend
that means you don't hold back the love within
you let it loose as you see fit.
Your heart is aligned with God's above
when I am lazy you give me a gentle shove.
is your license plate
yet multiple meanings this could take
does it mean I'm meant to smile?
or that it will last a long while?
Evan my friend, you're one I can trust.
When I need to admit my heart is not just.
Jeremiah my smartest friend
like a rock you stand till the end.
unperturbed by the gusting winds,
a picture of modesty in camera lens.
You love us all so very well,
a servants heart we can all tell.
I love you Jeremy, I don't say it enough.
Thanks for sitting across from me.
At dinner.
Dougie Doug Doug
My bearded brother
when we moved in we didn't really know one another
oh how that is changed in six short months
I just found out nothing rhymes with months.
You lead me well, toward fine wisdom
never judging, an honest vision
you speak the truth thats hard to hear
and I promise to always have a listening ear.
I'm sorry if these rhymes were stupid, but I've been feeling bad if I have been saying negative things. That is not what this blog is for. I also apologize for not being deep more often. It's so much easier to write a funny blog about pretty much nothing than than to go deep in thought and be vulnerable. I promise to try harder at that. As for the weekend that John wrote about, it was great. I went in negative and came out real positive, especially after pulling up to sixty degree weather in the Burg. One thing I thought a lot about this weekend was...
Processes. It dawned on me that God cares more that we are obedient than that we bear fruit. Not that he doesn't want fruit to be born. But rather that we put our whole selves into it. Don't hold back. God can handle the ends. He will make them work. But He wants us on this earth for a reason. Death happens, its inevitable. But while we're here, don't go through the motions! Don't wait for something better that's gonna happen down the road. Live for now. Go into everything 100 percent. It may suck. It may be tiring. It may piss you off sometimes. But ten years from now, I'm not gonna remember watching a movie on the couch, or sitting around doing nothing. I'm gonna remember sitting on a porch in Rockbridge praying with my boy Jonny. I'm gonna remember playing around with the guys, and laughing till I cry. I'm gonna remember getting up early to eat McDonalds and talk about life with Jon, and playing basketball with high school guys till I want to throw up from exhaustion. It's the processes God wants. He wants our hearts focused and energized. As the Avett Brothers say, decide what to be, and go be it.
Sorry this was so long, I'll try to write less poetry next time.
James C. Harris.